Saturday, November 01, 2014

Family Mornings

Family's early day-out (especially when sister is back from KL)
cause Vicky Khoo is a girl who never gets tired of sleeping but gets tired of waking up early.

We always take the opportunity to be together, go out together and do everything together when there is chance particularly when sister rarely come back to Penang now. 
So yeah, of course I'll sacrifice a bit of my sleeping time to hang out with the family. Momma needs to go work in the weekends (she works everyday except Monday) so that's probably the only time we can spend time with her besides at night. (having dinner and go to cafes - previous post)
I know I'm keep repeating the word keep being together but just bare with me la. It's what family is ma. (Penang slang all out already)

So usually the early morning activity is exercising but I shall call it as 'morning walk' or enjoying the fresh air on top of the hill where it is called as Ayer Itam Dam. We don't really exercise at there, we usually jogs and enjoys the fresh cooling air since it's very early like may be 7am. 

Let the pictures do some talking too. 

Hi, the blur and sleepy face me!

To go to the hill, Ayer Itam Dam, you have to go through this busy market especially in the morning. (Picture taken in a moving car)

The parents! (Saw the tiger backside? haha)

Before entering the lane to the hill, you will see this type of view on the hill. It's a temple called "Kek Lok Si" (one of the tourist attraction places in Penang)
Never go during Chinese New Year, it's very jam and the whole streets would be all cars.

This lane leads up up up the hill

You can see this people running/jogging up the hill. Respect! 
So high you know, what a good stamina they have and mostly all aunties one.
Where is all the teenagers and young adults doing nowadays? Like you and me, keep facing the modern technologies. 

This one is cycling one. Up the hill with their mountain bike. 
Cycling or running up the hill actually requires more stamina?
For me, I guess it's cycling cause they have to pedal the bicycle and support their own weight up the hill.
The gravitational pull/force is a very strong kind of nature (Not a science kind of person)

Nice place right? It's so cooling and refreshing up there.
This picture is like we owning the place all to ourselves. That's the back of mum and dad actually.

The water I drink at home I think. It's connected to this place.
It wouldn't call a Dam if there's no water right?

Either my camera captures fast or they jog really slow? Haha. I think both at the same time.
They not posing one. I ran near them and press the capture shot instantly. Not bad right?

The other view of the Ayer Itam Dam. Why not they plant vegetables here like the one in Cameron Highlands? For me, it looks the same. I guess it might be the weather here which prevents that from happening.
Even though I said it's cooling and refreshing up here, I actually refer to that particular moment which is early in the morning before the sun rise.
When the sun has rise, It's the time when it would be very sunny and hot here, anyone wants to be tan I recommend you to come here. 

The beautiful scenery of Penang Island from the hill top of Ayer Itam Dam.

The big sister but is smaller in size compare to me. 

Me! Poser.

I have a really good semi-pro camera but the skills to use I'm actually lacking. 
All my pictures are all free from edits. Cause I'm just so lazy to edit every one of them and I don't have any editing software currently in my laptop yet. 
So yeah, original ones is always the best (of course only when it's a great shot)

Saw the mini waterfall there? hehe I love waterfalls. 
Waterfalls reminded me of PICNIC, CAMPING, SWIMMING and GET TOGETHER.

Okay like I said we actually does not run and I actually meant mum, sister and I.
Daddy actually runs few rounds at there. 

The photo boom sister. 

The rocks can actually tell you how deep or shallow the water can be.
Sometimes, if you're lucky, you may see a few turtles swimming in there. There are really huge ones too.

Our sports shoes. From right, mum , sister and mine. (mum chooses these for us) 
Mum and I are wearing Nike sports shoes but sister is wearing Skechers sport shoe.
If for sports, I prefer Nike ones. 
Love their simple logo I guess.

Us, warming up and stretching except for me, holding the camera.
Do you realize I don't tie my hair especially it's an exercising activity? I actually dislike tying my hair unless there is really any occasion that requires me to. As for this case, we are actually having our morning walk, so there will be no sweating, thus no tying hair for me. 

The lao ba aka daddy!

Do you see the main focus of this picture why I took it? 
The motorcycle la. This should be a very refreshing place kay, why you come here and ride? Pollute the air only. Cannot walk ah? 

Come let me see your face camera! 

One happy family it is!

After about like 45 minutes later, off we go for our breakfast.
There are a few more places we went but this time, it's daddy's favorite place and his favorite Penang food "Hokkien Mee" at Perak Road.

and we have this habit of buying pork ('shio bak' and 'char siew') at Tiong Nam Market (cause it's delicious and cheap) before heading to the "Hokkien Mee" destination. 
This shop is also quite famous for it's long waiting list. May be about 45 minutes to an hour before your food to be served. So in the meantime, we have our 'shio bak' and 'char siew' to fill our hungry stomach. That's how we develop the habit of buying pork every time we went there.

The 'shio bak' and 'char siew' we bought

This smile is so fake la sis! haha

Are you smirking at me, dad?

Finally, a sweet smile from mum!

and what do my smile looks like? Tell me and do I want to know? hmmm~

Dad & mum's half boiled eggs.
Another small dish to fill in.

That's the view of the shop! Many people right?

Finallyyyy, the thing we're waiting for has come! FOOODDD~

*Sorry I don't realize it's a very long post until I saw the preview* Thanks for reading or you just scroll over all the pictures hmmm...



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