Tuesday, November 04, 2014


Hello Hello,

I'll start this by giving you a brief look to my college days,
I've graduated from my college, Tunku Abdul Rahman College just last year. 
Finishes my Diploma in Business Studies (Accounting) and now continuing my studies in ACCA (a professional level paper)

I have 6 really close college friends and we were all in the same class. We used to do assignments together, having lunch together and celebrate birthdays together. 
It's been a long time since I've met them, at least I feel so. Actually misses those moments when we spend our time together doing college stuffs. 

So, we usually do gatherings to give any one of us birthday surprises. 
This time round (19 October), one of us, Lay Ling has plan this gathering for the birthday girls, Catherine and Kaavi. 
Although it's just a simple gathering, it feels warm.

We had our lunch in Swensens, Gurney Plaza because Lay Ling and Peggy have "Buy 1 Free 1" vouchers so yeah, we ate there. 
Enjoy our meal and finally the birthday cake for the birthday girls is out.

Let the pictures do most of the talking yea.

From left, it's Kaavi and Catherine, the birthday girls.

As usual, after the birthday songs, its wishing time.

Next, blowing the candles. ( should be a candle) Haha

Finally, the cake is cut and let the cake be served! Haha
*Vicky Khoo mia favorite is this liao lo* Eating desserts 

the 6 beautiful ladies.
From the left.
Lay Ling, Theang Theang, Sabrina, Kaavi, Catherine and Peggy

A picture from All of us. 

Everytime we have meet-ups, I'll take a picture with every one of them. 
Love to keep pictures as memories. So when you look back, you'll just smile and see how much we've change! (Let's hope it's a better change) teehee

Peggy & I
 Theang Theang & I

Sabrina & I

Lay Ling & I

Kaavi(birthday girl) & I

Catherine(birthday girl) & I

After that, we go for a walk in the mall and plan to watch a movie together since we haven't seen one together quite some time already. We usually go for Karaoke when we gathered. 
Not sure what to watch and finally I pick one that is more suitable for everyone cause I expected it to be funny. So we can all laugh together. 

A Haunted House 2
My opinion, this movie is really very sarcastic la. Not that funny somemore very lame.  
give this movie a NO! (Me no likey) 

After the movie, it was already evening, so I said my Goodbyes to them and I went home.

Not to forget, they also give me a gift from Sephora. Since we're all so busy on September(my birthday month), so we did not have any gatherings at that time.

Thank You girls for the gifts! Appreciate it.   

Yeap, this is the gift they gave me. 
A box which has 5 body care stuffs. (Will blog about it more details)

To be honest, I never used this type of body products like lotions, body mist or any scrubs. (So, no experience at all)
and maybe that's why this year birthday, I got 3 boxes of body care products.
It's like a hint for me to tell me that my body is getting dryer and is no longer young like baby skin. Thus, it's time for me to use the body care products. (But I very lazy la)
Okay, I'll try ba for you girls' sake, TRY !! hehe

The top right brand is Elianto from my best friend, Yan Yin. 
The bottom brand is Crabtree & Evelyn from my mum's friend, Jennice Aunty.
Thank You for the present ya. I don't know which to start first la.
Give me another hint pls.

Finally, before ending this post,
Here is some of us!
Ps, this dress I'm wearing is also my birthday gift from Theang Theang, standing the most left side of this picture. Thanks! (not really clear from here though) It's lace type of dress. Suitable for a sweet type of person like me, no? Haha Anyway, she feel I sweet ma (perasan)

Have a great day, you!


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