Monday, November 10, 2014

A Different Feel

If you read my blog before, you'll know what's the difference between my previous and latest blog design.
Anyway, I'll still show you my previous blog design too. (just in case)

Here you go~
It's a very simple one.
To get started, always start with a simple & a clear one.
So you can get your mind straight of what you want it to be later on.

So the more I blogged, the more I wanted it to be better. (Perfectionist betul)

Thus, this time my blog is giving you a totally different type of feeling, yeah?
That's what I intend to. 

Leave me some comment about the feeling you get when you see this
(Love to hear about your thoughts too)

I'll start by giving credits to the person who helped me in this, like literally he did all this for me.
Thank you so much, Nicholas Chew Tsyr Churn. 
He did this favor for me without asking anything in return, how nice of him.
He said by helping me, he could take this as an opportunity to learn something too.
So yeah, really appreciate and grateful for his help and time spent on this blog of mine.

To be honest, I don't even have a single tiny little knowledge about coding or what so called HTML.
I guess to design blog, you should at least know the basic. 
Google might help a lot but still when it comes to the small little details, it's really hard to find.

Before this, I've been searching everywhere to find more inspiration and that feeling I want to have in my blog. 
However, the designs that mostly inspire me are mostly applicable only on WordPress. It's a disappointment.
Fortunately with the help of Nic, he found a Blogspot template which really gave me that type of feeling I want. So glad to have his help. (Thanks again if you see this)

I think I'm starting to bore you from all the talking. 

Now I'm gonna describe to you some small little details about my blog.

Do you see the bar where it shows, "Home. About Me. Profile. Contacts."
You can actually click it & find out more (if you would like to know)
Home - Blog posts located
About Me - A short Bio data about The Author (me)
Profile - It's like my bucket list where I list the things I desire
Contacts - Ways to contact me & I attached with my name(username/ID) on that particular social medias for easy searching

Social Bar.
where you can click inside & it will directly connect you to me through other types of social media
(I find it cute actually)

You can actually access to my blog labels at the bottom of my blog too.
Although you can still find Archive & any Popular Posts on the right side of my blog. 

There are still more to discover so I hope you would like my blog design the same way as I do.

By the way, there are still some flaws I find in this blog and is still trying to find the solutions.
So, if there is any flaws or solutions or basically anything, you can leave me a comment. 

Finally, ending this post by saying my appreciation to Nicholas Chew Tsyr Churn again. (your name is actually quite hard to pronounce I suppose)

Thanks Nic. =D

Ps, my boyfie did try to help me in this too but this is not really in his type of field so I know he give his best too. Thank you sweetie.


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