Friday, November 07, 2014

Grumpy me


Today is all well except me feeling grumpy.
Not anyone's fault. It's just the girl thing.

Having the second day of PMS (for guys, doesn't matter if you don't know)
Stomach will certainly feel uncomfortable when it's the first & second day.
However, I'm considered a very lucky girl who doesn't have backache, nausea and many sorts of ache like some of the girls out there.
The ache I'm feeling is still bearable. So yeah, I'm consider very lucky.

Plus, I'm having a slight flu (my friends called it as my best friend) which I hate the most *referring to the flu btw*
Flu will eventually visits me once in a while no matter what without miss! Like maybe few times a month ?

That's what make me even grumpier than usual. Haha

So when I'm having flu, I either sleeps with the blanket all over me (yeah, all covered, head to toe) or I eat, eat and eat (as if I haven't eaten for days)

Guess what I chose ? To eat! Actually I prefer sleeping but exams are around the corner so no dozing off from the world. Need to face the reality for now.

My breakfast for the day!
A cup of hot Milo by me
Two pieces of hot Cupcakes from boyfie
(He bought 4 of it yesterday to make sure I have breakfast to eat in the morning)
A set of P2 notes from Spencer Cheah (my teacher) 
*saw his face on the mindmap? Haha*

After breakfast (now), I blogged. Just to get rid of my blogging addiction nowadays.

Anyway, how's your breakfast? Eaten yet? Hope you enjoy yours as I've enjoyed mine. 

Bon appetit ~

*Excuse me for the bad quality images, it's taken from iPad*

I'm gonna get back to my studies now. 

See you,

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