Sunday, November 02, 2014

IAS 19 Employee Benefits

This is a post of my own detailed and thorough explanation on the standards of the subject I'm taking, P2 Corporate Reporting (ACCA)

*You may skip this if it's irrelevant to you*

IAS 19 Employee Benefits
(1) Short-Term Benefits - due within 1 year, recognized as expenses in the same year.
- Compensated absences 
    - Accumulating (can be carried forward)
            - Vesting and Non-vesting 
    - Non-accumulating (cannot be carried forward)
- Bonus & Profit Sharing - recognized because it's a present obligation.

(2) Retirement Benefits 
- Defined Contribution Plan
- Defined Benefits Plan

Defined Contribution Plan
  • Contribution is fixed
  • Payout not guaranteed and depends on performance of plan
  • Investment and Actuarial risk lies with employee
The contribution is to be treated as expenses and thus, no discounting is needed.

Defined Benefits Plan 

  • Contribution is not fixed
  • Payout guaranteed
  • Investment and Actuarial risk lies with entity
Projected Unit Credit Method :
(1) Present Value of Obligation
(2) Fair Value of Plan Assets
(3) Net Liability (SOFP)
(4) Net Expense (P/L)
Remeasurement of Gain/Loss to OCI

If the (3) Net Liability is a Net Asset, then perform Asset Ceiling Test
LOWER of (amount recognized) :
- Net asset
- Present value of refund in contribution
The difference(balance) will go to Other Comprehensive Income (OCI).

Termination Benefits
It is recognized only when 
- committed to termination (present obligation), it will be expense immediately
- detailed & formal plan to terminate
- communicated plan
- voluntary redundancy


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