Saturday, November 22, 2014

13 to 18 Days to Kill

With just 13 days left to my first examination
and 18 days left to my freedom. (the freedom countdown will always be there)

It's so near already
Not getting myself any ready for it yet
Does we ever get ready for any exams anyway? My case, I don't think so!
Still am so nervous about it.
but who doesn't?

Anyway, this semester in December 2014
I'll be taking ACCA examinations
(you'll know if you're a consistent reader of mine)

sitting for these two papers.
F9 Financial Management - 5th December
P2 Corporate Reporting (INT) - 9th December

Hope I'm fully prepared when that day come
Everyone is like saying you have to Study Smart, not Study Hard
You tell me, What's the smart way? The hard way is way easier but not that effective.
It's like so hard to find a smarter way of studying these course.
I'll try to DO & GIVE my very BEST!!

On another side note,
Le sister is back from KL
hope this is not a distraction please.

Pimples everywhere on my forehead
arggghhh, hate the stress that is clinging on me!
using 'Miyome' product which is recommended by a friend, Nicole(a blogger too)
for a change and see it works or not
(only for the serious acne problem for my forehead)

While other parts of my face, I'm still using the usual facial product
which is from The Masque
been using it for quite some time now.
So far so good
that is recommended by my very best friend, Yan Yin

found something on eBay the other day
was so happy I've finally got it
will reveal to you when I get a hold of it
Can't wait to use it.

Got an idea of what to buy for babe
on Christmas day already
Hope I find a suitable one soon
Love Christmas celebrations so much
Opening presents & the get-to-gather
Too bad, Santa Claus doesn't come to East Asia!
*secretly believes in Santa*
(You'll know if you'd read 'About Me' in my blog)

My day just got better and better
thought I could write type 6th, 7th, 8th or more...
Unfortunately, few minutes ago
Glasses just broke on me!
it literally means I'm gonna be half blind
couldn't blog any longer
my eyes are like really close to the laptop now
gonna go buy a new one later
Hope it could get done soon like very soonnnnn!

End my post here then
Wish me Smart & Luck for coming Exams

May the Odds Forever be in my Favor!

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