Saturday, November 29, 2014

Eat also Banyak Patterns

Hie di hie hie!!
A Sweet Tooth person will always be delighted doesn't matter when, where or what situation it is
whenever you bring them a Dessert
*Eye Sparkles*

This post not much of the talking writing and basically pictures speaks louder
To show you the 'Banyak Pattern' I meant in this title post
of course there's more to see than words.

So here goes,

if You're a Frogurt Lover, you will absolutely recognized this place instantly

Tutti Frutti @ Island Plaza, Penang

Dad is like showing the sign
"Talk to The Hand, yo!"

 Mum's sitting position is kinda sexy yeah?
hahaha agree bo?
bo agree suak lo *kidding* (Penang Hokkien Slang)

What's with that face, Babe?
It's like his first time looking at himself in the mirror. Haha

Who is this then? =)

Our Frogurt
(Frozen Yogurt)
Original, Green Apple & Raspberry!
Top with Almond Flakes & Cornflakes 
(purposely choose as light as the topping it can be)
as you know the weight determines the prices
So the heavier it is, the more expensive it will be!

Bills of Mine & Mum's
Not bad right our measurement?
Quite close to one another.

Okay, here comes all types of Patterns when I ate a Frogurt.
Doesn't know I got so many patterns until I saw the pictures in my camera. Haha

this expression is cause of the little sourness in the Froyo
for your information, Sour is not my type of Taste.
I can't eat sour, I dislike sour, I despise sour food & I envy the one who could eat it so smoothly.
But to my surprise, I still loves to eat Froyo as you know Yogurt is kinda sour.

Actually showing you my Girlie Doll
Hot, Pretty & Sexy?
hahaha or obviously I doesn't know what is Hot or Pretty or Sexy?
Enlighten me with your explanation & definition by commenting on this post
Would love to read it, sure will it be a Joy!

So how's all my Patterns?
Annoying & Kiam Pa bo? haha

Pick one you love & hate already?
Let me know la. Why my readers so pai seh(shy) or quiet one.
or you just scroll and scroll and scroll over my pictures and never read hmmm?
hehehe I know who you are. Watch out!

On the other side, boyfie eating pattern not much.
Eat one mouth and stop already.
Try to make me Fat & let me Eat all hor?
hahaha actually he just know I loves to eat ice cream so much
so he doesn't want to eat much and left more for me. How Sweet!

Why that Long Face, boo?
I snatch your Frogurt?

Love you, BooBoo!

By the way
tell you a little secret ya. 
or not so secret already after this.
(Shhh, don't let my parents know can already)

I'm the driver that night.
and I drove dad's car (Mercedes)
not sure what model. kinda old already
You know what I did?
OMG, think back, I'm so careless, silly, blur or perhaps really out of my mind!
How foolish am I to find out after 1 or 2 hours later when we're going back.
Lucky I faster ran back to see the car if it's still there
and act as if I am starting the car engine.
So dad wouldn't realize.
Phew, Thank God!
I'm one Lucky Girl
I couldn't even imagine what will happen if I'm unlucky that night.

See this girl still smiling so happily and what she doesn't know is that her dad's car might be stolen anytime already.
and we might need to walk back home (or perhaps public transport at 11pm? I don't think so)
Haha =D

Till then,

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