Friday, December 05, 2014

The New Pair

If you had read my previous post on "13 to 18 Days to Kill"
you would knew that I'd broke my glasses.

and on the very same day I broke it, I straight went to buy it.
as my exam is very near so I wouldn't want to delay it even for just a day

The right side of my glass frame broke and the glass straight fall off.
this is actually how the incident happen.
I was going to bath at that time, yeah in the middle when I was practically blogging
Haha I know I'm weird *laugh as much as you want, it's okay*
Sometimes, I just like to draft my blog first and then reread again.
So when I blogged halfway, I plan to have a nice shower.
Take off my shirt and literally forgot to take off my glasses.
That's how it trip over and fall to the ground.
I was like "Oh my goodness, NOOOOOO"
Then I was like how am I suppose to do my things without glasses??
I am partly half blind as my power is quite high, to be honest.
Faster think of a good solution to fix the problem rather than keep whining about it.
So the first thing came on my mind was to stick it back with a strong glue.
That was when I remembered I had a very strong glue which I bought it for some decorations purposes.

Okay, less of the talking. Let you visualize the real thing now.

So here is my after sticking back glass frame which I broke it
Can you see the whole tiny stretch?
The glue took about 1 hour to 2 hours to dry.
cause I bought the one which will dry out in a longer time period.
Show you every angle somemore.

and this is the Glue I use.
Slow-setting Epoxy Adhesive Glue
Why two of it?

It actually requires you to mix it with the same amount like the picture below.
I grab this picture in Google Images just for understanding purposes.

Good Bye, Glasses
You served me well for the past 10 months.
Yupp that is just a very short period of time.
I'm sorry I did not do my part well and broke you.
Don't worry, I'll still keep you safe with me.
You're like a Treasure in my Museum now.

So in that afternoon, I plan to go back to the place where I bought the broken glasses.
It's cheaper there I guess. Maybe cause their rental not that expensive.
It's in Midlands. On the 4th Floor.
Walk around the shop but I couldn't find anything else that attracted my eyes.

Actually before that, when I reached there and was walking towards the lift, I saw a shop displaying a pair of glasses which really grabbed my attention.
The shop actually sells a lot of branded glasses. That was why I never step into this shop the last time I came. When it's branded, to our perspective, we sure think it will be very expensive.
and the glasses that got my attention was a SUB brand.
I saw the price tag and it showed RM328.
and I was like 'forget about it' at that moment I saw it.

So back to the previous shop, I did not see anything that could have my attention so I left
Even though how desperate I was to buy a pair of glasses, I wanted to find something I like and have good quality so it will be more durable.
When I was leaving, yeah of course I passed by that 'shop' again
Finally, I can't stand
then I told boyfie why not give it a try and ask whether they have any promotions or offers
No harm right in asking.
However, we don't have that Luck cause there were no promotions or offers
I still insisted on asking further about the full price (frame + my high-power lens)
To my surprise, it's not over my expected budget. 

Let you see the pictures first so when I describe, you would have a picture in mind.

This is the shop I went into
Optical Station [MPC] Sdn Bhd @ Ground Floor, Midlands (One-Stop), Penang

I still love my previous broken glasses design
maybe cause it kinda suits me
though the only flaws it have is the frame are too wide and the frame's skin would come off. (anyway I peel the whole skin off already) *what to do, no brand eh ma*

So of course, the glasses which attracted my attention wouldn't be much of a difference.
but of course, I would find something flawless
means something better than my previous one
It's not too wide and it have a brand so I supposed the skin wouldn't come off.

 The lady I asked explain further about the price for me
She suggested me to buy the lens which is thinner cause my power is high so the lens would be thick and it wouldn't look good.
Of course, the thinner it gets, the more expensive.
However, I'm shocked, it did not pass my budget.

There there, not much difference right?

Do you saw the price tag?

Total it costs RM380
Unexpected because the frame itself is already RM328
I guess they just put the price for fun izzit?
Haha anyway, it's good that it's still in my budget.
But still I bargain the prices with the lady until she finally said OK to RM350
(get my bargaining genes from daddy I guess and with the experience I got in China too)

Fortunately, there's a TWIST!
Boyfie said the company he currently work in provides glasses allowance of RM500 a year.
So he was thinking to buy a pair for himself and was saying that he wanted to wear couple glasses with me.
They don't have exactly the same one like mine but they have similar ones with different colors.
The lady took a blue pair and few other pairs but she said the blue one suits him most.
Too bad, I'm not that good in observing this kind of thing so I couldn't be that sure. 
As long as he likes it but aiya, he what also okay one. Haha

This is mine

His (also same brand)

Nearly all same right?

I can see the design for the brown(mine) one was more to lady type
and the blue(his) one was more to guy type of feeling

and did I tell you we ended up just have to pay a total of RM100 for both pair of glasses?
Thanks to boyfie's allowance help us safe a lot.

Besides, the lady is so nice to compliment me with a pair of daily contact lens.

Summary of our glasses specifications,
1.67 High-Index M/C UV400 EMI + SUB Frame
1.56 M/C UV400 EMI + SUB Frame

Told the lady I was rushing to have my glasses done
So she called me to come after two working days (and that's quite fast I suppose)

So this is the after-two days production of my lens + frame

Can you see how thin is my lens?
If not, with the power of my eyes, I would have a very thick one
Thanks to the high-technology now

Tadaa, my beautiful glasses.
Love it!
I don't mind wearing glasses to anywhere now.
but sometimes I still wear daily contact lens.
Just be the person I am and want to be.
I don't live to impress people, I live to fulfill my own dreams and enjoy it.
You Only Live Once

Just now I did try to explain to you the differences between my old and new one. 
For easy descriptions,
I might as well show you pictures of it.

From the left, Old - New

Pictures of me wearing both the glasses.
but not sure if the differences are obvious enough or not.
For my friends who saw how wide my old one, should see the difference when you meet me

Finally ending this post with our pictures together wearing couple glasses.
Suit him or not?
This is also the first picture we take together after we got our new glasses.


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