Friday, October 31, 2014

IAS 37 Provisions

This is a post of my own detailed and thorough explanation on the standards of the subject I'm taking, P2 Corporate Reporting (ACCA)

*You may skip this if it's irrelevant to you*

IAS 37 Provisions
Provision is a liability of uncertain timing or amount. Liability is a present obligation as a result of past event or settlement that will result in an outflow.

Contingent liability - outflow
Probable outcome : Recognized provision
Possible outcome : Disclosure by way of note
Remote outcome : No disclosure

Contingent asset - inflow
Probable outcome : Disclosure by way of note
Virtually certain : Recognized as income
Others : No disclosure

There are three recognition that must be met :
Present obligation

  • Legal - rules & regulation
  • Constructive - past practice & company policy
  • Probable - more likely than not
  • Possible - maybe
  • Remote - unlikely
  • Amount based on best estimate is required to settle obligation 
  • Present value of future cash flow
  • Expected value by probability estimate
Future Operating Losses
No present obligation so no provision

Onerous Contract
It's a contract where cost of meeting the contract is more than future economic benefit (loss making contract). It is allowed to recognized a provision because there is legal obligation.
The provision amount is the LOWER of :
- cost of meeting contract
- penalty payment 

Provision for Restructuring
It is a sale/termination of a business line, closure of a business location or changes in management structure. It can be recognized when the following conditions are met :
- raised valid expectation
- detailed & formal plan
- approved before year end 
- communicated
The amount to be recognized is the expenditure directly attributable to restructuring. For example, termination costs and compensation costs.


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