Saturday, November 29, 2014

Eat also Banyak Patterns

Hie di hie hie!!
A Sweet Tooth person will always be delighted doesn't matter when, where or what situation it is
whenever you bring them a Dessert
*Eye Sparkles*

This post not much of the talking writing and basically pictures speaks louder
To show you the 'Banyak Pattern' I meant in this title post
of course there's more to see than words.

So here goes,

if You're a Frogurt Lover, you will absolutely recognized this place instantly

Tutti Frutti @ Island Plaza, Penang

Dad is like showing the sign
"Talk to The Hand, yo!"

 Mum's sitting position is kinda sexy yeah?
hahaha agree bo?
bo agree suak lo *kidding* (Penang Hokkien Slang)

What's with that face, Babe?
It's like his first time looking at himself in the mirror. Haha

Who is this then? =)

Our Frogurt
(Frozen Yogurt)
Original, Green Apple & Raspberry!
Top with Almond Flakes & Cornflakes 
(purposely choose as light as the topping it can be)
as you know the weight determines the prices
So the heavier it is, the more expensive it will be!

Bills of Mine & Mum's
Not bad right our measurement?
Quite close to one another.

Okay, here comes all types of Patterns when I ate a Frogurt.
Doesn't know I got so many patterns until I saw the pictures in my camera. Haha

this expression is cause of the little sourness in the Froyo
for your information, Sour is not my type of Taste.
I can't eat sour, I dislike sour, I despise sour food & I envy the one who could eat it so smoothly.
But to my surprise, I still loves to eat Froyo as you know Yogurt is kinda sour.

Actually showing you my Girlie Doll
Hot, Pretty & Sexy?
hahaha or obviously I doesn't know what is Hot or Pretty or Sexy?
Enlighten me with your explanation & definition by commenting on this post
Would love to read it, sure will it be a Joy!

So how's all my Patterns?
Annoying & Kiam Pa bo? haha

Pick one you love & hate already?
Let me know la. Why my readers so pai seh(shy) or quiet one.
or you just scroll and scroll and scroll over my pictures and never read hmmm?
hehehe I know who you are. Watch out!

On the other side, boyfie eating pattern not much.
Eat one mouth and stop already.
Try to make me Fat & let me Eat all hor?
hahaha actually he just know I loves to eat ice cream so much
so he doesn't want to eat much and left more for me. How Sweet!

Why that Long Face, boo?
I snatch your Frogurt?

Love you, BooBoo!

By the way
tell you a little secret ya. 
or not so secret already after this.
(Shhh, don't let my parents know can already)

I'm the driver that night.
and I drove dad's car (Mercedes)
not sure what model. kinda old already
You know what I did?
OMG, think back, I'm so careless, silly, blur or perhaps really out of my mind!
How foolish am I to find out after 1 or 2 hours later when we're going back.
Lucky I faster ran back to see the car if it's still there
and act as if I am starting the car engine.
So dad wouldn't realize.
Phew, Thank God!
I'm one Lucky Girl
I couldn't even imagine what will happen if I'm unlucky that night.

See this girl still smiling so happily and what she doesn't know is that her dad's car might be stolen anytime already.
and we might need to walk back home (or perhaps public transport at 11pm? I don't think so)
Haha =D

Till then,

Saturday, November 22, 2014

13 to 18 Days to Kill

With just 13 days left to my first examination
and 18 days left to my freedom. (the freedom countdown will always be there)

It's so near already
Not getting myself any ready for it yet
Does we ever get ready for any exams anyway? My case, I don't think so!
Still am so nervous about it.
but who doesn't?

Anyway, this semester in December 2014
I'll be taking ACCA examinations
(you'll know if you're a consistent reader of mine)

sitting for these two papers.
F9 Financial Management - 5th December
P2 Corporate Reporting (INT) - 9th December

Hope I'm fully prepared when that day come
Everyone is like saying you have to Study Smart, not Study Hard
You tell me, What's the smart way? The hard way is way easier but not that effective.
It's like so hard to find a smarter way of studying these course.
I'll try to DO & GIVE my very BEST!!

On another side note,
Le sister is back from KL
hope this is not a distraction please.

Pimples everywhere on my forehead
arggghhh, hate the stress that is clinging on me!
using 'Miyome' product which is recommended by a friend, Nicole(a blogger too)
for a change and see it works or not
(only for the serious acne problem for my forehead)

While other parts of my face, I'm still using the usual facial product
which is from The Masque
been using it for quite some time now.
So far so good
that is recommended by my very best friend, Yan Yin

found something on eBay the other day
was so happy I've finally got it
will reveal to you when I get a hold of it
Can't wait to use it.

Got an idea of what to buy for babe
on Christmas day already
Hope I find a suitable one soon
Love Christmas celebrations so much
Opening presents & the get-to-gather
Too bad, Santa Claus doesn't come to East Asia!
*secretly believes in Santa*
(You'll know if you'd read 'About Me' in my blog)

My day just got better and better
thought I could write type 6th, 7th, 8th or more...
Unfortunately, few minutes ago
Glasses just broke on me!
it literally means I'm gonna be half blind
couldn't blog any longer
my eyes are like really close to the laptop now
gonna go buy a new one later
Hope it could get done soon like very soonnnnn!

End my post here then
Wish me Smart & Luck for coming Exams

May the Odds Forever be in my Favor!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Bento in Car

Having such a long revision class in this past weekend, 15th & 16th
From 9am to 5pm
My brain was like going to explode already.
Especially when my lecturer, Spencer was teaching so fast (in revision class will be faster one)
Luckily, I could absorbed what he teaches cause I made preparation.
So I wouldn't be confused when he is teaching as I know his speed is superb.

He gave us 3 breaks in between.
15 minutes break given around 10.30am
1 hour lunch break given at 1pm
15 minutes break around 3.30pm
(at least he gave us some breaks for my mind to breat)

On Saturday, boyfie came and find me for lunch.
We went to a coffee shop nearby college, it's actually just 10 minutes walking distance
but I wore the wrong shoe that day, so I called him to bring another helmet along
So we could ride there with his bike. 
Boyfie had badminton at 10am-12pm
He came here right after his exercise and waited for me like 15 minutes outside college.
After lunch, he went back of course to have a rest.
While I had to stress my brain with more information incoming.

The next day, Sunday
Yesh, I have that long revision class again from 9am to 5pm
Same break time given.
However, this time round my lunch time is special although it's very simple

The boyfriend told me that we're going to have Subway for lunch today.
It's also 10 minutes walking distance from my college.
Since most of the shops closes on Sundays.

Lecturer released us 10 minutes earlier that day
so I was rushing down to meet boyfie as my class was on the 10th floor.
 But he haven't reached yet
I went to move my car to a proper car park space with shades too.
I waited him for around 15 minutes in the car then he came.
I wore a proper shoe to get ready to walk to Subway already
when boyfie said we're having lunch in the car.
then I knew what he meant cause this was the second time we did this
the last time we did this was also when I'm having long revision class.

Okay, finally stop the talking typing already
Pictures goes...

He brought us Bento (Lunch in a Box)!
So, it means we're gonna have our Bento in the car.
Love these kinda moments with him
How Simple yet Sweet!

Hi Baby.

A bento which he cook all by himself.
although it's simple but it's so deliciously yummm.
Grab this picture in Facebook from her sister.
Boyfie's sister snap him when he's cooking for me before meeting me for lunch.
That's why he was a bit late but just for 5 minutes. No big deal
Thanks babe.

Wintermelon Soup & White Rice 

Two Fried Eggs & Fried Potatoes.
He said he forgotten all about soy sauce for the eggs.
It's still so delicious laa.

I missed it already.
Love it so much
maybe cause it's a sweet effort from him
or cause the food he personally cook all by himself
or cause it's like "everyone's mum home-cooked food" which I don't get to experience it
or perhaps all this reasons.

This was how we eat in the car.
If dad sees this, he sure nag already. Haha
No worries, we makes sure it's clean and we did not spill anything at all.  
and yes, it's at the back seat of my car.

Finally, a wefie from US!
Thanks again, Baby
can't wait for another round, heh!

then back to the mind-stressing class again

That's all for my weekend!
Should have been a boring one but he filled it with Love.

my Intensive Revision Class for P2 (ACCA)
was at
Sentral College @ Penang Street, Penang

See you next time,

Friday, November 14, 2014

Salmon Head

Last Saturday which is the 8th November
is basically my last day hanging outside until my exam has over.
It's my call and my decision.
Kinda feels like self lock-up or whatever you may call it.
I just want to feel more secure not procrastinating when exam is around the corner.
If not, I'll somehow feel guilty.
It's like my self-discipline.
in my own way (Pls don't judge)

So yeah, told my parents that's the last day I'm hanging out.
Mum said eat FISH can make me more smart. Haha
They know I love the fish there.
Hold on, I'll show you the pictures soon.
(The title of this post also say it out loud already)

Here it is.
Sushi Zanmai @ Gurney Paragon Mall, 6th floor

When we reach there, we have to queue for a while
So parents went for a walk and leave boyfie & I to queue.
(Mum doesn't likes to waste time queuing)

Maybe we're like in the 6th placing.
But we just need to wait for like 10 minutes or more. 
I'm not really sure cause having boyfie besides me feels not long.
Then we were call to go in.

The view of the restaurant from my sitting side.

Together we capture !

Selfie from me.
Hi there!

Looking at the menu also want take picture, aiyaya
First thing to order, two salty Salmon Head!!!
Called mum & dad and tell them we're in

See the lovely couple walking towards us like a Boss!
no need queue one

The Lao Pa

The Lao Bu

The Boyfie

The Girlfie

Okay la, I know you bored with all those faces already.
Now pictures of the food we ordered!
I've forgotten all the names for the dish (Forgive me)
Some I try to Google it even though what I have is just pictures.
So I'm gonna roughly describe to you the one I couldn't find if you're interested
(If not you can pass)

That is a Soft Shell Crab Maki
usually I love soft shell crab very much.
but that day, it's too soggy.
I guess it's not fresh enough maybe?

Cheers to the main DISH !
(The whole purpose we likes to come here & willing to queue)
Salmon Head (grilled with salt)
They will ask you whether you want it salty or sweet.
and If I'm not wrong I think it costs RM12.80 per dish.
When we come here we always ordered two pieces.
It's always fresh (at least when every time I ate it)
came here like the 5th time for this?

By the way, this is also boyfie's favorite!
I prefer eating this when boyfie is around cause he would peel and make sure no fish bones left before he serve me. How nice! Like a princess.
Daddy see already also beh thong (can't stand)
or perhaps Jealous? Haha
He will say to me, 'You don't know how to eat by yourself meh?'
So when he sees actually how many times the fish bones have actually prick on me
Yeah, he gave up.
To be honest, I love eating fish but I really doesn't know how to make sure there's no bone left.
They say eat softly and try feel it with your mouth.
Somehow when I do that, the bone always find its way to prick me. 
Goodness, it's so pain!

For your information, boyfie is also an expert when it comes to eating fish even though that part is full of bones. His mouth, I salute!

Did you see the tongue?? So long 
(I never knew fish has such long tongue)
and I like to eat the eye of the fish.
even though for some people, they will feel it tastes too fishy.

One Chawanmushi for Daddy

Avocado Salad with Sesame dressing
This is also one of my favorite type of salad.
Love the sesame dressing, to be exact.

We also ordered two of this! One Large, One Small
Fried Oyster Rice
ordered this is mainly for the guys cause they need rice to make them full
so when the first dish came, dad say he want it too.
So the first dish was finished by boyfie but once the second dish arrived and that is half an hour later.
that time we were all finishing other dishes, Dad said he couldn't eat it anymore.
So in the end two of the rice dishes were finished by boyfie & I
We were so full at that time
though the oyster is very fresh
if you ate too much oyster, you'll eventually feel the 'jelakness' *don't know the real word in English*
Overall, this dish was nice.

Edamame (don't really know how to pronounce it correctly)
It's actually green pea. Taste a bit salty
We always order this dish when we go to any Japanese restaurant
It's like automatic already.
I like to nibble it before & after my meal
to give me this refreshing start & end to my lunch/dinner.

Finally, the Dragon Roll
consist of fried prawn, avocado & etc. (forgotten already)

I used to hate Japanese food a lot until I would always buy Mcdonalds every time my parents bring us to Japanese restaurant. 
Should be cause of the vinegar rice taste.
I would vomit out at the taste of it.
To my surprise, *maybe after puberty* I have that sudden urge of love to sushi
and I still don't know why.
I literally ask for more sushi. I don't remember when.
Since then, I'm in love with Japanese Food.

Wanna see two fat & full faces?
It's us!

See, how clean boyfie clears the salmon head bone
Most of it is done inside his mouth.
So Pro!

Ending this post with our Happy Faces
Happy Us is Happy.

Till then,

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