Friday, December 09, 2016


Hello to my personal space again
Couldn't believe myself that I've actually stop blabbering in this space for almost half a year. This place, I absolutely miss.

In these 6 months, a lot has actually happened. A LOT!

There were ups and downs but I believe there's more ups than downs. Maybe cause I'm happy and satisfied in my current life and all is well.

I think I'll just summarize up part of my happenings in the first past 3 months within this short post. I'll try to make it as short and summarize as I possibly can la ha. Cause when I start talk type, I can't stop. Heh (I'm a quite long-winded person)

The last updated post about me is working in a bakery and will be sitting in the June ACCA examinations if I'm not wrong. I'll basically pick up my happenings from June then.


- Sit exam on the 6th, Monday but I, myself know I did not do well in that examination cause I did not manage my time well so were not able to finish. A sad sad day.

- The boyfriend told me there's a Ban Hin Bee (BHB) and Kitchen Tech Warehouse Sale at Island Plaza from 10th to 12th June. He knows me well and yes, he got it right. I go all excited about it and finally on the very first day, 10th in the morning, we went to the sale. Actually that's the only time I'm free la out of the 3 days cause we will be away (more on that at the next point). Conclusion, I got my very first BABY (A Kitchen Aid Mixer) while my another Babe signed the bills. Hah (Thanks Love) 

- Just about a week ago before it happen, my uncle (PekPek) ask if anyone is interested to go camping at Cameron Highlands, of course in that very minute I saw the message, I checked my calendar and gave a resounding YES! I'm that spontaneous if I'm sure I'm free. (So, don't forget to jio me to any vacay when you're planning yea TQ)
Then camping it is. Spontaneous camping trip which I enjoyed from 10th to 12th. (Sorry I did not take any pictures during the whole camping trip cause I would really love to enjoy the nature without any social medias distracting me)

- Had a small dinner on Father's Day with the family obviously but forgotten where did we go already, ooppssiee

- Plus, the relatives made another big family gathering to celebrate Father's Day for the eldest Father (grandpa) of us all at Holiday Inn Resort. We had the buffet dinner on the 24th. If I'm not wrong, we went for the buy 2 free 1 promo buffet. 


- From the 6th to 7th (during Raya holidays), had a short getaway with the relatives to Gopeng, Adeline's Villa. (Two days one night stay) Definitely, another best vacay since I've had in ages with the relatives. Actually all vacations with the relatives, I'll be overjoyed. Cause I love love love family gatherings, moreover, family vacations. (Top of the world leh) Again, no pictures taken by me cause enjoying another escapes to the nature. 

- Finally first time stepping into the Audit/Accounting working industry. Started working as an Audit Associate in a small audit firm (KS Lau & Co) on the 11th. Expose to how an audit firm really operates and what I felt about auditing. It's a good feeling though. Luckily I liked it cause that would be part of my life soon now. 

- Sister is back from Singapore for 2 weeks which we enjoyed her company again. 

- Expecting bad news on the 18th. Got my P7 results and failed but there's improvement from the previous results so yeah, I'm quite satisfied I overcome some of my weaknesses. Of course still sad though. Determination set in not to give up as "Failure is the best way to learn." It got me thinking of a new and better plan/strategy to achieve my target. So it's definitely not a big failure but I'll treat it as a learning experience. A chance for me to taste the feeling of failure and to manage it well. (In future, when I faced more failures, I'll be able to adapt and manage it well so yeah, good training)

- Still motivated and determined so faster registered for the next exam in September. 


- Held grandpa's birthday dinner on the 6th at New Midlands Court Restaurant. They gave us a 5-tables room furnished with karaoke set. Chose this restaurant cause of their karaoke room cause grandpa love singing so yeah, all of us get to sing all we want when we feast.

- My nephew, baby Daryl born on the 15th. The first ever 1-day old baby that I've ever seen which is so good-looking and adorable. (Usually when I see most new born babies, they only started to look adorable after a few weeks old) Anyways, welcome to the family, Sha Daryl. <3 div="">

- My chinese birthday falls in this month. Only the boyfriend remembers actually cause I, myself forgotten all about it also. He personally make me a Red Egg (traditional way of celebrating birthday). Thanks for being such a thoughtful boyfriend to me.

-  On 26th, colleagues made a farewell apartment stay for the interns at Mansion One. It's from a friend so the apartment is FOC. I'm actually grounded from going out so I did not stayed over, just drop by a few hours. We feasted, chit-chat, snapped pictures and finally played a game called "Police, Nurse, Killer & Citizens" A game where we can really bond and social among one another and I must say it's the perfect game for gatherings (A game I really enjoyed). That few hours were enough, enough to make me relieve the stress I'm having because exam is around the corner.

- END -

I'll end my post here for now. I'll be sure to update my happenings for the other past 3 months here as soon as I find my free time facing the screen again besides facing it every day at work.

Quite tiring for my eyes to face the bright screen even when I'm back home after looking at it all hours in the office.

Catch'em all soon yea.


Wednesday, June 01, 2016

May Discovery

Hello, welcoming the month of June.

May had been great!

Discovered something that really makes me... what do I call it? Happy perhaps. All smiles whenever I think about it. Like a girl in love. Hah

Hence, the supposed to be a busy month of May, I get a little distracted on my obsession for BAKING again.
Not sure 'again' is the correct word but this obsession never really stops before. It still frequently appeared in my mind whatever, whenever or wherever I go. ;)

Then why do I say I discovered it during the month of May?

Here's why.

I did mentioned that I work part time in a pastry shop starting April right?

FYI, my last day of work at Shervone Cakes & Pastry are on 13 May 2016. So I approximately worked there for about one and a half month only.

To be honest, I've learned quite a lot of stuffs while working there. Gonna miss baking there though.

If I'm not wrong, I said before that this work might either make me love baking even more or the opposite, hate it! Oh yes, it really did project much more obvious traits in me than ever and guess what?
LOVE or HATE? (obviously you know the answer already)

A definite LOVE!

Anyways, most of the time when I was working, all I do was baking, baking, a bit of decorating and more baking.

This is where I started to get really attracted to decorating cakes and getting creative ideas of beautiful cakes in my mind. Inspirations came flow in as if I just break into a beehive. Haha

Plus, I realized that in baking industry, I don't think I could work for someone else because it really limits your own creative ideas. Especially when decorating cakes cause you'll need to follow orders as in what you need to do and what you cannot do. (I don't mean the customers though)

Let's make an assumption, if I work for myself and I don't like using fondant in deco (nobody eats it anyway), then I could find better alternatives like modelling chocolate. (Nobody will ever say no to chocolate right?) But you cannot say NO if your boss say you gotta use fondant right? Of course the consequence is that the modelling chocolate will be way more expensive than fondant which is purely sugar.

Now I know why there's so many homemade cakes out there. You can only really enjoy the baking and decorating process if you work on your own.
CHEERS to own creativity, flowing inspirations, no limitations etc.

By the way, do you know how keen I can be towards the addiction to bakery? Ask the boyfriend to see how crazy I am. Heh
Or I'll just tell you la.

For example, when my boyfriend and I go dating and we do some shopping, I rarely go to any shops/boutiques selling apparels, cosmetics or even the heels/shoes like a normal lady would go to. Besides, I'll go for bakery shops, Daiso, Tesco etc. all just to shop for baking ingredients and baking utensils. I did it as if it's like my collections. My only limitation is there's no space for me to put all my collections. (Dad would be furious) All in all, I'm getting addicted to it I admit. ;)

Also, I did went into shops like SenQ, Harvey Norman, SEC, Ban Hin Bee (electrical shops) etc to just have a look at all the electric mixers and ovens. I need to own one electric mixer like seriously. I currently owning a hand mixer only so there's kind of a limit to the pastries I could bake. My dream is obviously to own a Kitchen Aid but it's really expensive for me right now. Unless, you plan to surprise me one. Haha Anyways, I think I'll go with the cheaper ones first. 

On top of all that addiction, I started stalking/following lots of beautiful cakes' accounts in Instagram and even Snapchat.

Nah, proof ! Hahaha

In conclusion, I know you geddit already, I'm really quite into this. Haha

That idea even passes my mind. It is to start selling beautiful and delicious cakes after I done experimenting the best kind of recipes. Just to fill in the past time, of course.

Will you be interested to buy cakes that costs not little (maybe ranges about RM 30 - RM 100) from an amateur baker? Not cheap you know all the ingredients plus the effort of experimenting the best one before selling it. Of course it would be beautifully decorated. Heh

But first, I gotta really remain focus on my coming ACCA P7 exam on 6 June, which is just only a few days away. Oh gosh.

And yes on April, I did said that I did not even start revising yet. (The-last-minute-kind) Obviously, I'm not in the same condition la now abo ma die liao.

I'm actually quite prepared for it already but still.... not really ready to face it yet but I think it's pretty normal cause nobody will be entirely well prepared and ready before an exam. Unless you know what's the questions are already Hah.

So best of luck to me and I'll see you again after this terrifying exam.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Is the one is what I want?

I've been thinking a lot. Once in a while, it crosses my mind.
About what?
About the things I'm doing, the things I'm capable of doing, the things I love doing.
This needs courage. I need courage.
Am I happy doing what I'm doing? Am I really?
Or I tried to. At least.

But don't get me wrong.
I'm blessed. I really am.
I have everything I've ever wanted.

The route I'm taking.
Is it what I really wanted?
Will I be happy with it?
Since I'll be facing it more than anything for the rest of my lives. 
Yet I couldn't be sure of it.
It have not even started and I'm here now already doubting myself.

Deep down, I've actually found the one.
The one that could make me smile even though it's tiring.
Yes, I know both will be just as tiring.
But at least, I would really enjoyed being tired with the one.

However, I could not bare to leave everything behind.
Though I know nothing is a waste.
Just a lesson learnt.

The thought of it sometimes scares me but it does cheer me too.
And same goes to the one.
There are obligations I got to look up to.
Certainly, I will not be that person again.
No more 'halfway journey'.

It's either Route A or Route B.
But nope, I'm not going to choose.
At least for now.
Going to be a little lot greedier but much more exhausted.
So both choices I shall.

I'm writing myself something.
Something to remind me when I starts to have doubts again.
To read again and to ask myself.
Is the one is what I want?

Signing off,

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Mother's Day│Black Kettle

Thought of making this post a sentimental post of how precious my mom is to me but nahhh, this post will basically be a simple post about Mother's Day dinner together with the family. (except that it's not whole cause of not having sister around again on this year's Mother's Day)   

FYI, Mother's Day always fall on a Sunday, just in case you don't know. 

Boyfriend and I would like to treat my mom for dinner however, bf's family usually have family night every Sunday so we was thinking not to do it on Sunday since my side of the family was okay with any days. 
So yeah, we did it on Saturday night, the day before Mother's Day. Heh

It's a pretty simple evening with my mom and my mom. Hah Dad decided to be a mom himself too on that night cause he sometimes did what normally a mother would do. (which is Housework) Hehe

We had our short dinner and our sweet little after-dinner-dessert-session at
Black Kettle @ 105, Beach Street, Georgetown 10200, Penang

Soft Shell Crab Burger

River Prawn Spaghetti Aglio Olio

Spaghetti Green Curry Lamb

We ordered three dishes to share cause four of us are all small eaters.
Definitely couldn't finish if we add another extra one.
and we're expecting desserts later on so not too much for dinner session.

Desserts time

Black and White
(I presume it's chocolate cheese cake)

Hot Cappuccino 

Foreign Guinness Stout

Scones with Strawberry Jams

Dinner and Dessert Session was on both of us.
My Bae and me
Thanks babe on behalf of my mom. Heh

That's all happened on Saturday evening, not the real day for Mother's Day.

So on the real Mother's Day, I decided to bake something she would love to eat. Of course I did asked her what she wanted and yes, she requested for her all-time favorite (as of now) Blueberry Cheese Cake.

On Sunday morning which is Mother's Day, just after mom left for work, I started baking.

Had some help from boyfie too like washing some dishes etc. Heh Tq.

Prepping and baking all done in about 2 hours time.
(Watching movie + enjoying the baking process)

Then it's the oven operating time. 

Cheese cake out from oven and let it cool down before I could top it up with mom's fav blueberry filling.

It's a simple and delicious recipe I'm using.
(Ps, not the same recipe I used to bake/blog it before)


Thank you, mom for everything.

I Love You.


Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Flashback April

As I promised, the random short entry I'll post.

Start working part time at Shervone Cakes & Pastry. 

Loving the working hours. Usually it's from 10 am to 2 pm only. Total of 4 hours work. 
Basically, I bake at work. And some decorations to do too.

Attended two weddings this month itself. One is cousin's which is on 24th and another is boyfie's friend on 30th.

The other day during wedding ceremony (morning until night), keep carrying babies/toddlers until the next day ache like what only. Not even Yoko yoko could save my arms but no regrets kay. Heh
Pass my ACCA optional P6 paper. Like finally. Left one more to go. P7 coming next on June. 
I basically did not touch P7 yet. Not at all. Left one month to go and I do look calm from the outside but I'm actually really stress inside. 

Learn to pipe 2D floral cupcakes by myself. Bought the 852 tip from Sunshine at Siam Road. Loving this progress.

My inner baking self is always there but to my surprise, I triggered my inner cooking self which I do not know exist in me. 
Hope to bake/cook more soon since I bought a lot of baking ingredients and yes, cooking ingredients too. 

After working in a bakery shop, I really feel having a legitimate electric mixer is really useful and saves a lot of time. I can bake 6 cakes within an hour with one electric mixer and a huge oven. 

So about that, I really hope to own one electric mixer. Normally, people would go for Kitchen Aid and yes, that's my dream come true but it's too expensive for me right now. I think I'll go with cheaper brands first. 

Budget set for myself for an electric mixer about RM500++

Read Timothy Tiah's Dayre and his new camera (Sony A6300) really attracted my attention. Especially when he said it's really suitable for amateurs. Like me lo. But it costs a whole RM4,550/RM5,500. Siao liao. No $$$ No talk. So I can forget about this thought for now.  
Having shared bank account with mom and to separate which is which and whose is whose is so complicated. Say no more to shared complicated bank accounts. 

I think that's way too much for a random short flashback right? Heh Too many things happen in a month ma. 

Okay la. Signing off liao


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

10 Successful Traits

As usual, anything useful that mom overheard from the radio, she would share with us during family dinner time. So here I am sharing with you guys too. Heh but forgive me, I don't remembered all very clearly cause the information is mainly in Mandarin and apparently, my Mandarin is quite bad. 

If I'm not wrong, she heard it from 988 FM one morning. 

It's something about which traits you do/have that describe yourself as rather a more successful person or less. If you have more than 5 or 6 of these traits, then your chances to be a successful person is higher. Or I think she meant, the percentage you do/think like a successful person is probably higher.

There are actually about 13 traits given by the radio announcer/DJ but I remembered 10 traits only. Sorry hehe

1) Read a lot. As in useful educational books, articles, magazines but I don't mean comics or novels. You will always learn something new from reading. That's a guarantee I can give you. Anyways, never stop learning right?

2) Waking up early every morning. Make it a habit or either discipline yourself to do it. About 8 am every morning I suppose.

3) Exercise consistently. Either few times a week or even better everyday for a short spam of time, maybe half an hour or so.

4) Not easy to be influenced by negativity. Dare to denied when approached by something which appeared to be attractive but unhealthy. Like drugs, gambling, etc.

5) Mixing and sharing thoughts with successful people. I don't mean unsuccessful people cannot be mix around but successful people tend to give more knowledgeable advises. So, make more friends and grow your circle.

6) Be kind. Treat people like how you want others to treat you.

7) Help people in need. Charity, donation or even anyone around you.

8) Have multiple source of income. You may work freelance or full time. Either way of earning money would do. Perhaps investing your money too.

9) Flashing back all the things that you do for the day. To be reminded of the things you learn the entire day so you would keep it in store in your mind.

10) Able to accept feedback/criticisms from others. Enable yourself to know and learn from your own mistakes. Be it positive or negative, learn to accept, interpret and make good use of the feedback.  

So how many did you scored? or how many did you actually apply in your daily life?

Perhaps I shall do one short random post to recall my entire month just for the sake of traits no. 9 even though it is referring to everyday routine. Heh

Every month routine should be fine also la. Oh wells ~

Till then.


Thursday, April 14, 2016

His dilemma, my dilemma

His is also mine. Hah I don't know why I'm also as nervous as him.

Worry that he would make the wrong decision and regret it later on. But I would still support and respect his decision anyway. So, I just wanna try blog it out to explain his dilemma and perhaps get some advises from you to him, whoever you are. Heh

Dilemma on what? Decisions decisions regarding his future, his career and also his job that he would require to spend most of his time there.

Basically, this boy here just graduated from his Degree in Electrical Engineering. Previously, he was studying part time in Inti College while working in Intel as a contract worker. Currently, he is still working for the outsource company for approximately 5 years already. 

After work for about half a decade, he finally realizes that he has more interest in software and programmings rather than hardware which apparently, is his field. (Degree in EE ma) 

Nevertheless, he would like to take up the challenge obviously to start anew field. Software, Programmings, Applications Development etc. 
Although hardware and software may somehow indirectly related to one another, as far as I know, it's two different things to learn. 

If he is going to choose the career path towards software, he would need to start afresh and known to all his interviewers as a fresh grads with no qualifications in the said-field, software engineering. 

While his degree in electrical engineering would not really be fully utilized, it would still not be a waste cause who knows he may need it back one day since hardware and software are like brothers and sisters (Totally a different thing yet they're related). It would only seem to be not really relevant to the companies he's now searching which are all mainly about software development, applications development, .... mainly in the Information Technology and Services industry (I'm not exactly very certain on the details)

By the way, when his current outsource company knows that he's going to quit to pursue other opportunities, his manager offered him a salary up to RM 3,500 and willing to transfer him to a software dept in Intel too but unfortunately, this boy wants to try searching for other sources instead of staying in the same company. So, he definitely do not mind starting from any lower pay because his main purpose is to look forward for new opportunities in the software industry just like what he wanted.

So heads up, he's actually investing himself and taking risk on these new challenges when he decides to go into this unfamiliar field which would cost him underpay (Short term perspective) but in time, he may succeed and achieve his dreams in this industry (Long term perspective).

Anyways, I assumed now you may roughly know his standards/ability for working in an information technology and services industry company that he is currently searching for.

"A fresh graduates with a degree but not a software engineering qualifications and practically, no experience at all in that so-called field."

Finally, I'm gonna approach to the main details about his dilemma. 

Let say,

He has been offered by two companies, Co. A and Co. B.

Company A and Company B is both a new and existing Sdn. Bhd. company started about 3-4 months ago in December 2015.

There's good in working in a newly incorporated company because there will be much more opportunities for you to grow together with the company. 

Co. A
- Advertising (Digital Display - Apps Enabled)
- Apps Development (Android/iOS)
- Branding
- Promotions (E-commerce/Digital Presence)
- Marketing
Mass Media Application Usage
- Software Development (HMI/Automation)

About 11-50 employees

As of now, they only operates in Malaysia.

What they offer :
Come in as a Senior in Hardware Dept
(They need someone to lead hardware dept urgently because they are having a government project and wanted him to create the prototype to launch. Since, he wanted software, they say if he is capable, they might consider transferring him to software dept or may even ask him to lead both hardware and software as well.)

It's good to lead a team cause you're the one setting the budgets and you have the freedom to conduct the research the way you wanted plus delegate them to your team. 
It's not easy for a company to get a govt project but this Co. A gets, so not bad at all for a new company like this right? If successful, they may even expand to South East Asia. 

The above may seem interesting and attractive to build fast track career if he successfully lead but it also means that their company may not have any experienced senior to lead (So is it a stable company?) and he is doubting the limited ability he has to create a prototype, not to say lead somemore. Though if he really succeed in creating a prototype by himself leading the whole team, I bet his resume would be really attractive. Heh

Offering him a RM 2,500 (without EPF and SOCSO or any benefits) for 3 months probation period. 
If capable and good performance, they will definitely increase the salary (up to 3k-5k) and of course pay EPF and SOCSO from thereon.  

The question if he accept Co. A:
- Will Co. A sustained?
- Is this the right company to develop/broaden his skills and knowledge about software?
- Is he capable to lead and create a prototype?
- Is RM 2,500 with no EPF and SOCSO for 3 months acceptable?
- Will they transfer him to the software dept like what he desires?

Co. B
A newly start-up technology consulting and solutions provider with focus on FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) business information systems and Sales Field applications.

As far as I know from him, he said this company has experienced senior to lead the department and they even have executive team and management team in China operating too. 

Partners may be from Malaysia and China as well. (Looks like they are more wide and stable)

Offer him to be like a fresh grads in software dept. (It is also not a bad thing cause he may be assisted and have time to learn and improve.)

RM 2,800 for 3-6 months probation (Depends on performance, salary may increase too)

After pass the probation, they will fund him to training/seminars to obtain Professional Certification. (He would certainly obtained certs related to software for future purposes since he has no other qualifications regarding software engineering)

They have fast track career progression. As they said, if company increases in revenue plus good performance, he would certainly be promoted to senior level. 

The question if he accept Co. B:
- This company seems to be more stable than Co. A but is it really?
- Is this the right company to develop/broaden his skills and knowledge about software?
- Will RM 2,800 be sufficient? Will it increase more after probation?
- Will they honor their offer when they said they would provide training and be given a fast track career progression?


and yes, this is his current dilemma and surprisingly became mine too. Heh

One of my advises are to seek advises from others so I'm now seeking your sincere advises to lower our his predicament. 

Sorry for not stating the company's name. (Worry about any P&C stuffs, later the company come sue me for comparing.) 
But it's important cause it's related to his future path leh. Anyways, if you wanna know the names, come ask me yourself and I'll be delighted to tell you straight away. Heh

Any queries about more details on the company to help us him do more comparing, come ask me okay. Don't be shy. Haha (You may comment here, Facebook message me, Whats App me or whatsoever as long as convenient for you can le) ;)

Took about one hour plus plus of my time to type all this out, not bad not bad. 

Signing off now. 


Sunday, April 10, 2016

BoonFection no.8 no.9 no.10

This time our conversations may seems to relate a lot about the future which we imagined really happy, bright and positive thoughts. Though we're not sure we could fulfill it or not but its 'the thought that counts' for me. What's the 'thought' I meant? (I'll explain at the end of all our conversations.)

Anyways, you may think our conversations are a bit unrealistic but we sometimes (not often) plan or even imagine about the future together. It won't hurt to think too far right. Heh 

BF no. 8
B : Next time our room must link to a toilet to make the entrance first. 
V : Huh? Why leh? You mean once open door to our room will see toilet first? 
B : Yupp so everytime before enter our room must wash legs first. 
(Walao he suddenly so particular about hygiene and cleanliness)
V : Aiyer, then ma very ugly. Unless got another door lo. 
B : Got another door la for the toilet to link to our room ma. 
V : *Facepalm* Walao I mean our room la. Not the toilet. Room must got two doors.
B : Like that then do the toilet at entrance to wash legs ma no purpose already. 
V : hahahha Yes. Cause your idea of designing fail kaokao (a lot). Next time please leave the design and renovation part for me. You just be the one pay money can already. Hehe
(He ended up smiling and speechless. Hah)

BF no.9
V : Planning to call you hang all these photo frames on the wall for me de. But it needs drilling. So ma huan. 
B : In future, our house need to build like another layer of wood covering the walls before we hang/drill anything on the wall. Then can change everytime. You can even have different types of themes like what you want de.
V : Why cannot straight drill on the wall? Somemore need another layer of wood pula.
B : Drill already, the wall will have many holes very ugly. Can't fix back.
V : Eh can fix one actually. Yy told me can use white clay to mend it back nicely.
B : Yer, still not nice one. My idea better. We can change the theme every year somemore.
V : Wow.. Every year somemore lo. Very rich ha. Nevermind, your money ma. Next time your money keep a portion for house renovation and also my shopping ya. Hahah
(He ended up smiling and speechless too. Hah)

BF no. 10
V : Nah, since you so free help me arrange this books properly and tidily on the shelves. I remember the last time you tidy time also very nice and clean. You also like to tidy up properly and make sure everything is in order like me?
B : No la. I don't like. I just can't stand seeing it so untidy so ma tidy lo.
V : Oh, cheh ! Somemore thought you like to tidy up like me cause I really like tidying and arranging stuffs nicely and beautifully de but now I busy so you help me a while ya. Thank you. *Grins* 
(Obediently do as I say and help me arrange the books)
V : Eh, sounds like a great combination leh. Next time, you in charge of cleaning and wiping while me in charge of arranging and put in place nicely okay? Heheh coz by arranging, I don't need to deal with dust ma since I'm sensitive to it. Plus in future, you can leave the place in charge of designing house for me while you can do nothing but take out money from your pocket can le. Hahahahah thank you ya
(He smiles, shook his head and remain speechless to me syok-sendiri-ing while continue to arrange the books)

So what 'thought' was I referring?
The thought that a guy thinks of his future with you (I don't think it is a usual thing for a guy to think of their future with someone unless they are really serious)
The thought that he even go to the extent to imagine about our future house we're both gonna stay together in (As far as I know, only girls usually starts to imagine a lot, not usual for the guys to initiate the imagination first)
The thought that he never denied or shows any sign of disagreement to my every attempt of asking him to take out his $ for us. (I don't expect him to actually agrees to my ridiculous offer? heh)

Okay la, that's all for the sweet blabber. Hah

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