Sunday, April 10, 2016

BoonFection no.8 no.9 no.10

This time our conversations may seems to relate a lot about the future which we imagined really happy, bright and positive thoughts. Though we're not sure we could fulfill it or not but its 'the thought that counts' for me. What's the 'thought' I meant? (I'll explain at the end of all our conversations.)

Anyways, you may think our conversations are a bit unrealistic but we sometimes (not often) plan or even imagine about the future together. It won't hurt to think too far right. Heh 

BF no. 8
B : Next time our room must link to a toilet to make the entrance first. 
V : Huh? Why leh? You mean once open door to our room will see toilet first? 
B : Yupp so everytime before enter our room must wash legs first. 
(Walao he suddenly so particular about hygiene and cleanliness)
V : Aiyer, then ma very ugly. Unless got another door lo. 
B : Got another door la for the toilet to link to our room ma. 
V : *Facepalm* Walao I mean our room la. Not the toilet. Room must got two doors.
B : Like that then do the toilet at entrance to wash legs ma no purpose already. 
V : hahahha Yes. Cause your idea of designing fail kaokao (a lot). Next time please leave the design and renovation part for me. You just be the one pay money can already. Hehe
(He ended up smiling and speechless. Hah)

BF no.9
V : Planning to call you hang all these photo frames on the wall for me de. But it needs drilling. So ma huan. 
B : In future, our house need to build like another layer of wood covering the walls before we hang/drill anything on the wall. Then can change everytime. You can even have different types of themes like what you want de.
V : Why cannot straight drill on the wall? Somemore need another layer of wood pula.
B : Drill already, the wall will have many holes very ugly. Can't fix back.
V : Eh can fix one actually. Yy told me can use white clay to mend it back nicely.
B : Yer, still not nice one. My idea better. We can change the theme every year somemore.
V : Wow.. Every year somemore lo. Very rich ha. Nevermind, your money ma. Next time your money keep a portion for house renovation and also my shopping ya. Hahah
(He ended up smiling and speechless too. Hah)

BF no. 10
V : Nah, since you so free help me arrange this books properly and tidily on the shelves. I remember the last time you tidy time also very nice and clean. You also like to tidy up properly and make sure everything is in order like me?
B : No la. I don't like. I just can't stand seeing it so untidy so ma tidy lo.
V : Oh, cheh ! Somemore thought you like to tidy up like me cause I really like tidying and arranging stuffs nicely and beautifully de but now I busy so you help me a while ya. Thank you. *Grins* 
(Obediently do as I say and help me arrange the books)
V : Eh, sounds like a great combination leh. Next time, you in charge of cleaning and wiping while me in charge of arranging and put in place nicely okay? Heheh coz by arranging, I don't need to deal with dust ma since I'm sensitive to it. Plus in future, you can leave the place in charge of designing house for me while you can do nothing but take out money from your pocket can le. Hahahahah thank you ya
(He smiles, shook his head and remain speechless to me syok-sendiri-ing while continue to arrange the books)

So what 'thought' was I referring?
The thought that a guy thinks of his future with you (I don't think it is a usual thing for a guy to think of their future with someone unless they are really serious)
The thought that he even go to the extent to imagine about our future house we're both gonna stay together in (As far as I know, only girls usually starts to imagine a lot, not usual for the guys to initiate the imagination first)
The thought that he never denied or shows any sign of disagreement to my every attempt of asking him to take out his $ for us. (I don't expect him to actually agrees to my ridiculous offer? heh)

Okay la, that's all for the sweet blabber. Hah


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