Thursday, April 14, 2016

His dilemma, my dilemma

His is also mine. Hah I don't know why I'm also as nervous as him.

Worry that he would make the wrong decision and regret it later on. But I would still support and respect his decision anyway. So, I just wanna try blog it out to explain his dilemma and perhaps get some advises from you to him, whoever you are. Heh

Dilemma on what? Decisions decisions regarding his future, his career and also his job that he would require to spend most of his time there.

Basically, this boy here just graduated from his Degree in Electrical Engineering. Previously, he was studying part time in Inti College while working in Intel as a contract worker. Currently, he is still working for the outsource company for approximately 5 years already. 

After work for about half a decade, he finally realizes that he has more interest in software and programmings rather than hardware which apparently, is his field. (Degree in EE ma) 

Nevertheless, he would like to take up the challenge obviously to start anew field. Software, Programmings, Applications Development etc. 
Although hardware and software may somehow indirectly related to one another, as far as I know, it's two different things to learn. 

If he is going to choose the career path towards software, he would need to start afresh and known to all his interviewers as a fresh grads with no qualifications in the said-field, software engineering. 

While his degree in electrical engineering would not really be fully utilized, it would still not be a waste cause who knows he may need it back one day since hardware and software are like brothers and sisters (Totally a different thing yet they're related). It would only seem to be not really relevant to the companies he's now searching which are all mainly about software development, applications development, .... mainly in the Information Technology and Services industry (I'm not exactly very certain on the details)

By the way, when his current outsource company knows that he's going to quit to pursue other opportunities, his manager offered him a salary up to RM 3,500 and willing to transfer him to a software dept in Intel too but unfortunately, this boy wants to try searching for other sources instead of staying in the same company. So, he definitely do not mind starting from any lower pay because his main purpose is to look forward for new opportunities in the software industry just like what he wanted.

So heads up, he's actually investing himself and taking risk on these new challenges when he decides to go into this unfamiliar field which would cost him underpay (Short term perspective) but in time, he may succeed and achieve his dreams in this industry (Long term perspective).

Anyways, I assumed now you may roughly know his standards/ability for working in an information technology and services industry company that he is currently searching for.

"A fresh graduates with a degree but not a software engineering qualifications and practically, no experience at all in that so-called field."

Finally, I'm gonna approach to the main details about his dilemma. 

Let say,

He has been offered by two companies, Co. A and Co. B.

Company A and Company B is both a new and existing Sdn. Bhd. company started about 3-4 months ago in December 2015.

There's good in working in a newly incorporated company because there will be much more opportunities for you to grow together with the company. 

Co. A
- Advertising (Digital Display - Apps Enabled)
- Apps Development (Android/iOS)
- Branding
- Promotions (E-commerce/Digital Presence)
- Marketing
Mass Media Application Usage
- Software Development (HMI/Automation)

About 11-50 employees

As of now, they only operates in Malaysia.

What they offer :
Come in as a Senior in Hardware Dept
(They need someone to lead hardware dept urgently because they are having a government project and wanted him to create the prototype to launch. Since, he wanted software, they say if he is capable, they might consider transferring him to software dept or may even ask him to lead both hardware and software as well.)

It's good to lead a team cause you're the one setting the budgets and you have the freedom to conduct the research the way you wanted plus delegate them to your team. 
It's not easy for a company to get a govt project but this Co. A gets, so not bad at all for a new company like this right? If successful, they may even expand to South East Asia. 

The above may seem interesting and attractive to build fast track career if he successfully lead but it also means that their company may not have any experienced senior to lead (So is it a stable company?) and he is doubting the limited ability he has to create a prototype, not to say lead somemore. Though if he really succeed in creating a prototype by himself leading the whole team, I bet his resume would be really attractive. Heh

Offering him a RM 2,500 (without EPF and SOCSO or any benefits) for 3 months probation period. 
If capable and good performance, they will definitely increase the salary (up to 3k-5k) and of course pay EPF and SOCSO from thereon.  

The question if he accept Co. A:
- Will Co. A sustained?
- Is this the right company to develop/broaden his skills and knowledge about software?
- Is he capable to lead and create a prototype?
- Is RM 2,500 with no EPF and SOCSO for 3 months acceptable?
- Will they transfer him to the software dept like what he desires?

Co. B
A newly start-up technology consulting and solutions provider with focus on FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) business information systems and Sales Field applications.

As far as I know from him, he said this company has experienced senior to lead the department and they even have executive team and management team in China operating too. 

Partners may be from Malaysia and China as well. (Looks like they are more wide and stable)

Offer him to be like a fresh grads in software dept. (It is also not a bad thing cause he may be assisted and have time to learn and improve.)

RM 2,800 for 3-6 months probation (Depends on performance, salary may increase too)

After pass the probation, they will fund him to training/seminars to obtain Professional Certification. (He would certainly obtained certs related to software for future purposes since he has no other qualifications regarding software engineering)

They have fast track career progression. As they said, if company increases in revenue plus good performance, he would certainly be promoted to senior level. 

The question if he accept Co. B:
- This company seems to be more stable than Co. A but is it really?
- Is this the right company to develop/broaden his skills and knowledge about software?
- Will RM 2,800 be sufficient? Will it increase more after probation?
- Will they honor their offer when they said they would provide training and be given a fast track career progression?


and yes, this is his current dilemma and surprisingly became mine too. Heh

One of my advises are to seek advises from others so I'm now seeking your sincere advises to lower our his predicament. 

Sorry for not stating the company's name. (Worry about any P&C stuffs, later the company come sue me for comparing.) 
But it's important cause it's related to his future path leh. Anyways, if you wanna know the names, come ask me yourself and I'll be delighted to tell you straight away. Heh

Any queries about more details on the company to help us him do more comparing, come ask me okay. Don't be shy. Haha (You may comment here, Facebook message me, Whats App me or whatsoever as long as convenient for you can le) ;)

Took about one hour plus plus of my time to type all this out, not bad not bad. 

Signing off now. 


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