Wednesday, April 27, 2016

10 Successful Traits

As usual, anything useful that mom overheard from the radio, she would share with us during family dinner time. So here I am sharing with you guys too. Heh but forgive me, I don't remembered all very clearly cause the information is mainly in Mandarin and apparently, my Mandarin is quite bad. 

If I'm not wrong, she heard it from 988 FM one morning. 

It's something about which traits you do/have that describe yourself as rather a more successful person or less. If you have more than 5 or 6 of these traits, then your chances to be a successful person is higher. Or I think she meant, the percentage you do/think like a successful person is probably higher.

There are actually about 13 traits given by the radio announcer/DJ but I remembered 10 traits only. Sorry hehe

1) Read a lot. As in useful educational books, articles, magazines but I don't mean comics or novels. You will always learn something new from reading. That's a guarantee I can give you. Anyways, never stop learning right?

2) Waking up early every morning. Make it a habit or either discipline yourself to do it. About 8 am every morning I suppose.

3) Exercise consistently. Either few times a week or even better everyday for a short spam of time, maybe half an hour or so.

4) Not easy to be influenced by negativity. Dare to denied when approached by something which appeared to be attractive but unhealthy. Like drugs, gambling, etc.

5) Mixing and sharing thoughts with successful people. I don't mean unsuccessful people cannot be mix around but successful people tend to give more knowledgeable advises. So, make more friends and grow your circle.

6) Be kind. Treat people like how you want others to treat you.

7) Help people in need. Charity, donation or even anyone around you.

8) Have multiple source of income. You may work freelance or full time. Either way of earning money would do. Perhaps investing your money too.

9) Flashing back all the things that you do for the day. To be reminded of the things you learn the entire day so you would keep it in store in your mind.

10) Able to accept feedback/criticisms from others. Enable yourself to know and learn from your own mistakes. Be it positive or negative, learn to accept, interpret and make good use of the feedback.  

So how many did you scored? or how many did you actually apply in your daily life?

Perhaps I shall do one short random post to recall my entire month just for the sake of traits no. 9 even though it is referring to everyday routine. Heh

Every month routine should be fine also la. Oh wells ~

Till then.


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