Thursday, January 29, 2015

Bamboo Charcoal Bread with Cream Cheese

Hiiee peeps,

Today's entry is obviously about something I baked the other day
This time round I baked BREAD

It's actually dedicated to my momma. She has a special preference when it comes to bread. She wants it to be airy, tender and soft. 
Therefore, when she ate the bread from Butter & Olive Wholesome Pastry House, she immediately fell in love with their bread. Especially for its Charcoal Cheese Bread.
At that moment, she keeps persuading me to duplicate their bread. I tried and tried but eventually it still doesn't turns out like the feeling she wanted.

So when we know Butter & Olive Wholesome Pastry House also provide the services for Butter & Olive Baking Academy, mum said she would sponsor me to the classes. 
Obviously I was so excited as I have always wanted an opportunity to go for baking class.
They provide full time and part time courses. Actually intended to go for its part time courses since I'm still currently studying ACCA.
However, the courses are not cheap at all, so dad doesn't really encourage me to go cause he wanted me to focus on my studies too.

To cut the story short. . . 
The part time course has 20 classes in total. They would teach 2 or 3 pastries in each class. They teaches various kinds of pastries you can named.
Thus, mum said her first intentions is for me to learn to bake their bread. That is why I ended up going for only two classes out of the 20 classes though it's still not cheap. 
It's RM250 perclass that gives a total of RM500 for two.

In conclusion, this bread is the bread I learn from that classes I went. 

Momma is finally satisfied with this bread. So, I'll present it to you guys.

Bamboo Charcoal Bread with Cream Cheese  

What you need
390 g bread flour (high protein)
43 g plain flour
4 g charcoal powder
26 g granulated sugar
9 g salt
13 g milk powder
7 g yeast
269 g water
17 g butter
22 g chocolate chips

250 g cream cheese
50 - 100 g granulated sugar (depends on individual)

Preheat oven to 200°C
Bake for 15 minutes.

Note to self : This requires a bread maker or bread mixer to knead the dough.

 As for me, this is my house oven and I use that to knead my dough.
It can bake and also knead bread but I don't use that to bake this bread.
Just for kneading purpose.
(grab the picture from Google image)

This is another choice for kneading your bread dough.
This might be a better one.

This is the finished product after the kneading process. The bread dough.
Making the dough round in shape using my washed-cleaned hands.

I found out the whole secret thing for the bread to have that feeling my mum wants are from the rising process.
Let it rise for 3-4 times with an interval of 1 hour, half an hour and 15 minutes plus another hour before bake in the oven.
Have to make sure you let it rise in the correct environment. Warm and Dense condition.
(If you require more assistant in this, feel free to ask me)
It's a bit complicated to explain it here.

After the 2nd rise (half an hour rise), it's time for
the dividing dough process. Weigh your dough in an equal weight (80 grams) each and knead it using hands to make it round in shape.

Then the 3rd rise which is another 15 minutes.

Next will be the filling process
Blend the cream cheese and sugar well (don't over-beat it)

Fill the dough with the cream cheese mixture.
Make sure you cover/seal it securely well.
Then let it rise for the last one hour.

Sneak peak of the baker and the photographer.
My shirt camouflage with the dough I'm holding. Haha

Bake in oven for 15 minutes.
and Ta Daaaa ~~

A slight Love shape Bread. Teeheee

Make sure you seal it well.
cause if not, the cheese will flow out.
I'm lucky that it's so close to flowing out but not yet. Hehe

Finally, the end-product!

This time I over-beat the cream cheese mixture a little too much.
So it's a bit lumpy.
Anyway, the bread was great.


Tasting Section
Mum loves the bread but not the filling this time. The 1st time I bake was so successful. Everything was perfect. This was the 2nd time.
The bread is airy, tender and soft as wanted.
The filling was a little lumpy.

- The cream cheese mixture was over-beated.
- So the filling has lumps. It should be smooth.

Hope this recipe is to your liking.
Cause I really love this recipe. No regrets for going to the classes though it's expensive.

See you again.


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