Wednesday, January 20, 2016

2016 Resolution

You know what?
I don't usually do resolution kind of stuff. If it could help in achieving something I wish for, like maybe giving me the commitment, determination or motivation to make it work then why not?

I have a few in my mind for quite a long time already. Yet, I know one of it I couldn't make it happen. Not that I can-not, it's just that I am missing that determination. (Yeah, I think that's what I'm lacking) *referring to the first resolution*
I'd always knew that I have this really bad habit that I wanted to remove (if there's a delete button, I would do anything to have that, I'm serious) 

Okay, what bad habit that I would want it gone so badly? You know there's a term in Hokkien called "Wu Tao Boh Bui" (Direct translation : got Head no Tail) In simple terms, it means that when you start doing something, you do but it is always incomplete. (Perhaps this is the reason I'm so afraid of making resolutions)
Just found out the correct term for this phrase. It's actually a mandarin idiom.
In Pinyin, it is called 'yǒu shǐ  zhōng'
In English : to start but not finish (idiom); to fail to carry things through lack of sticking power; short attention span

The Piano

So one of my resolution for nearly like every year is playing the Piano smoothly. I'm having this reso since I realizes I love playing piano which is like what, a dozen years already? Hah
Yet, I still haven't master the skills up until now. That's why I said I have that bad habit, always doing things incomplete. Sigh... 
Though I've finally learn how to read a little of the piano chords but I guess I've forgotten most of it already. 
I'm not too sure whether I'm even gonna make this as my resolution or not. Oh well, let me continue the others first 

The Studies
If you'd read my Dayre (another type of social media which is like a blogging platform), you should probably know that I'd failed two of the optional professional level papers in ACCA (P6 and P7). 
It's my first time failing an ACCA paper. So, what's my feeling? Obviously, I'm not happy.
You know, one thing about me that I think it's maybe a good thing or maybe its not. I'm quite a happy-go-lucky-type-of-person. The good thing is I'm mostly happy and usually think positively about most things while the not-so-good about this is sometimes I'm over-optimistic and I guess people tend to find you fake (they would think like how can someone still be happy after ....) 
Perhaps I'm just a bit good at getting my mind away off things or maybe think of the good side of it. 

So yes, I'm not happy for a moment but later on, my mind starts thinking... (Let you know how do I get over it so quickly in this case) Mind was talking to myself.
"It had already happen. Nothing I could do to reverse my mistakes right? 
What did I do wrong actually? Gotta find out.
Eh, cannot compare to others! Want compare? Compare to the previous me to improve
Perhaps this is not my field after all. Should I just quit?
Oh yea, I remember a quote which is related to failure. "Failure only happens when you quit"
I've already come till this far, no I cannot quit.
Gosh, I gotta waste more time for studying again. Bored of studying already but mom once said, never stop learning. Learning is simply a gain. Okay, it means in the future, I'll still keep on continue to learn which is equivalent to studying too. So fine, studying is not a waste of time.
(Actually I think a lot more in order to make my mind turn into positive thought)"

It's not that simple. You can actually see from there that my mind starts thinking of some negative thoughts before it turns into positive ones. What I do to switch it is to find a reason or excuses like some motivational quotes, experiences or advises from anyone or anything you could think of. (That's how my love ones indirectly supported me)

That's why I said before, I think a lot, like literally. Heh (sorry for the long-winded though)

I know you must be thinking, 'Yeah yeah we geddit already. You very positive. Hahha'

Anyways, this is a resolution post so this is another resolution of mine for 2016. To graduate and be an ACCA Affiliate.
"Failure doesn't mean you are a failure, it just means you haven't succeeded yet." 

The Passion
In baking? In auditing? In blogging?
Until this day, I'm still searching for that passion that could make me happy, that's the most important right? (Live with no regrets)
For me, a passion is something I look forward to every single morning when I opened my eyes. 
Is it so hard to look for your own passion? 
Of course, there are so many things besides those three. I want myself to look further, further than my eyes could see. 

Can travelling helps? Reading more helps? Or sometimes what you really need is Luck (Opportunities)?

I'm always finding, thinking and yes, I hope 2016 will be the year I can finally aim for something to grasp on.

The Career
2016 will be mostly about these type of things okay? Hah What do I call these type of things?
'The Approach of Being an Adult' maybe?
I'm in my twenties already ma so of course gotta prepare to earn my own *kaching kaching*
Some of you may be wondering that aren't passion and career nearly the same thing?
Yeah, I wish I wish I wish, it's the same thing!
Maybe it shall also be one of my resolution? Heh (So many maybe's)
Okay let's be more realistic here. If that really happens, it would be my dream come true already, not just any resolution achieved. Also, provided that I'd found my passion already.
Though someday, I shall and I will do my best to achieve it.
"My career is my passion. My passion is my career."
Wah, damn nice weyhh.

Okay, back to the more achievable ones first.
In 2016, I want to be either employed or self-employed. Whichever that could get my bank a regular cash inflow and more importantly, gain knowledgeable experience.
If employed, please be the company I've been dreaming to work for.
If self-employed, please be the business I've been passionate enough to fight for. 


You must be thinking, 'Like finally, this entry is ending.' Hahah

So far, I have 4 already right? Yeah, the Fantastic FOUR!
Let me put these resolutions in my mind for 2016 first. One cannot be too greedy, aye?



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