Monday, February 01, 2016

Quadruple Dates│Rainbow Paradise Beach Resort

How did this happen?
The four of us girls were supposed to plan a one-short-night hang out together with our 'bosses'.
We fixed a day but suddenly it doesn't turn out well so we have to re-plan again.

So came along this birthday girl-to-be, Janice's boss, Alvin and our lovely darling, Winnie had an idea and pop up this idea in a secret group where obviously Jan doesn't know about it. Heh
The idea was to held a hotel one-night-stay with us, the four couples. Add-on-to-that, they will call some friends over to have a small party for the birthday girl. 
We tricked her by saying Winnie is having a free one-night-stay hotel voucher from her sister.  So we must go and not miss it, as we told her.
Fortunately, she fell for it and so our plan came to life. Hahh 

So yeah, that's basically me cutting the story short on how we came to have this plan out together.

30th January, Saturday
The four couples who are staying in the hotel for the night are :
Alvin-Janice, Lawrence-Lisa, Gene-Winnie, Boon-Vicky
and then came along a few friends who stayed over until midnight.

Let me start from the beginning of the day from my point of view. (obviously)

My boss a.k.a Boon came to meet me at my house in the morning and we plan to go for a quick hunt for a  new swimsuit for me. Apparently, the swim suit I'm having was since Form One (I think so) and the color has faded until there's patches everywhere. We plan to fully utilize the hotel's facilities which is their swimming pool of course and it's been like forever since I last swim in a proper swimming pool. (Yes, I did swim but usually at beaches which I'm not that fond of. I meant swimming in salty water) 
So, the boy and me went searching from Giant, All Seasons Place to Sunshine Farlim and finally found a department for Ogival (swim suit store). It's actually within seconds that I found the one I want. Heh I'm so lazy until I picked the swim suit they wore for the mannequin. When I saw that, it just felt like,"Bam, I gotta get this one. Yeah, this is the one already." hahah How fast and how happy am I cause it doesn't require much time to waste on choosing one, just needed to find the right size and yes, get the bill! It's not cheap though. Is it normal for Ogival to be expensive? I'm not too sure but babe said it's normal. Bought it for approximately RM200++ (Pocket ada lubang liao but it's worth it la cause I love swimming and it could still last me for another 10 years at least) For the swim suit's picture, you'll see it later on this post when you reach until the swim swim part. 
Anyways, that's a spontaneous buy for a day like this. Swimming in the evening, bought the swim suit in the morning. Hah

Next, we went to pick Winnie up from her house and met Alvin at there too cause he wanted to pass us the photostat paper of our hotel room bought from Agoda so we could go there to check-in first. He did not join in as early as us cause he gotta go back to work.
We called up the birthday girl, Jan to join us too cause she's just rotting at home waiting to meet us only in the evening. Then we decided to pull her out from her comfort zone to follow us for a swim too. 
So yeah, picked the birthday girl up and off we head to the hotel. I haven't mention anything about which hotel yet right? Here it is. It's the Rainbow Paradise Beach Resort.
Okay, my story will continue with pictures starting from now. 

This is actually the view from our hotel room's balcony.

We booked the Deluxe Suite room for Two only actually. Heh
(It's actually sponsored by Alvin, the birthday girl's boss)
The room is already so huge for only two person.
If I don't remember wrongly, it's about RM160++ per night

The living room and dining room

The bedroom

The bathroom is just as huge too.

Okay, enough of room observation. Heh
Three of us girls as usual was chit-chatting away. Once we start, it's hard to stop.

Still chatting....

Hah. Finally we changed and head to the pool.
The pool was actually very attractive from the pictures we saw in the internet and yes, pictures are for illustrative purposes only. 
Hahah cause it doesn't seem attractive much from our own eye-witness-ourselves-moment.

There. there.
Spot my new swimsuit? Nice not?
Please say nice. Haha It's quite costly for me

Swimming time. BRB

If I'm not wrong the pool was about 1.5 meter high.
Though it doesn't seems deep but it's quite deep for us, shorties. Haha

I still enjoyed the swimming moment anyways.
Thinking back, I don't think I had enough of swimming that day.

Later on, Winnie's boss, Gene reached and met us at the pool.
We had a walk at the beach. It's just right in front of the pool actually.
and Nope, we don't feel like swimming in the sea.
Just came to walk on the sand and enjoy the wind and sea breeze.
Plus enjoying the sunset view but it's actually half-blocked.

Hi Boss!
Okay, pictures of us at the beach time~

Lovin' my swim suit
(No regrets)

After all the exercises we get (which is very minimum only)
Back to the hotel room to shower and all
Winnie goes first then Janice, me and then the boss of mine.
While we were showering, Winnie and her boss, Gene suggested to get us our dinner since we were all so hungry already.
In the mean time, Janice was still not suspicious about anything. (actually there's nothing to be suspicious of yet)

We did discussed earlier that we would get Pizzas and KFCs for dinner.
Then came along Lisa and her boss, Lawrence. Again, we chit-chat while waiting for the food to arrive.
I can see the birthday girl, Janice was quite amused or maybe surprised on the amount of food Win and Gene bought back cause she thought it's just for the 8 of us.
But we all just straight indulged to the food cause we were damn hungry already. Haha

Nahh, at the bottom picture was the food bought.

While eating, some guests invited by Jan's boss, Alvin arrived.
I think the birthday girl was kinda surprised to see other people there other than us cause she thought this stay-over would be us and only us. Heh
Approximately 10++ surprised guests came on that night.

Along came the night~
It's all chit-chatting, playing cards, drinking sparkling juice, beers, wines and more chit-chatting.
Oh yeah, there's a cute little baby boy for us to play too. If I remembered correctly, his name is called Benson and his dad's name is called Alan. Hahaha (I remembered cause that's my schoolmates' names)

It's actually quite an enjoyable night I had. With all their gags and I had a good laugh too
The guests which are not staying over left one by one around midnight about 2am ++
 Although I hope to stay awake for a while more but by just looking at some of us lying down, I suddenly felt tired and dozed off by around 3am.
If I'm not wrong, once again, Winnie and Janice stays awake the longest. Haha
*Thumbs up* for them. Heh Their mind and consciousness got stamina.
(They also got more practices or experiences of late-night hangs out than me and Lisa la of course right?)

Apparently, there's no pictures on that night in my camera.
There's one posted by Janice in her Instagram so here it is.
It's the 4 of us and some other pretty guests we had. 

The next morning...

Vicky Khoo again, wakes the latest. (I meant among the girls) Hahaha as usual la (guan xi tio ho)
Winnie and Janice went down to have the breakfast buffet for two (hotel room for two so of course breakfast for two only hehe)
Then they only bought us some breakfast up to the hotel room.
After shower all, ate our breakfast, wait for the two bosses to wake up (Gene and Alvin), pack our stuffs, take some group pictures and off we check out!

Here's the group pictures of us

Alvin get the birthday girl flowers. 






The birthday gift given by me and my boss, Boon to the sweet birthday girl, Janice.
Thought of giving the birthday girl her presents on the day we surprise her cause there's nothing much we actually did just for her even though we said this stay-over was planned for her.
(If you realized, we did not buy her any cakes cause she couldn't celebrate for some personal reason)  

That's why I made up her birthday present more special(in her eyes) to receive. Heh
(Hope you like it birthday girl if you see this)
Love you!

Oh yeah, I did make a personalized Mickey's card for her too
(She's a fan of Vicky, oops should be Mickey. Heh)

Edited all by myself.
Not much of course. I'm not any creative craft designer or whatsoever.
But I tried to make it as lovely as it can be already.

Checking out~

Thanks Rainbow Paradise Beach Resort for the hotel room for two but still not kicking us out
(cause in our case, 8++?)
and sorry to our neighbor hotel guests too for making so much noises at night-mignight.

Thanks Alvin for the sponsor of this hotel room fees.

Thanks everyone for making this stay-over plan works out.

Hope more to come. Pwetty Pwease.

Anyways, each of us except Alvin's and Janice's damage for the stay-over was
RM25 each
(I guess it's just for the food we ate)
Damn cheap for a stay-over like this weyyhh but of course we had sponsors from Alvin already

Really enjoyed hang-outs like this. 
(Her birthday is actually on the 2nd Feb) 

Ps, This was wrote typed in March but I pull the date backward. Heh 


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