Monday, August 17, 2015

Malay's "Pasar Malam"

I'm hungry already just by posting up all these pictures. The other day during month of Puasa, I bought some malay food back home to eat. Ever since then, I've been craving for their food. Their gravy best laaa 

and now the bulan Ramadhan is over, couldn't find good Malay food nearby my house already. Then I realized on every Thursday, there will be night market near Farlim area and most of the stalls are by them. (Cravings gotta be satisfied you know) Plan to taste all of them and see which one is as best as the one during Puasa month.

My mom is not fond of going to night market nearby our house and her shop. One of the reasons, she is afraid that she would meet her customers and just non-stop entertaining them. She actually really likes to go place where nobody knows her at all. Haha *She even thought of migrating to anywhere else together if either my sister or I whichever gonna pursue our career somewhere else outside the home-country* 

So we decided to 'tapao' (take-away) back home for the lady boss one Thursday evening. 

Malay night market on Thursday with boyfie.
Love food hunt like that Heh. 

Thursday Night Market @ Jalan Thean Teik
near Desa Mawar apartment and side opposite Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) Sin Kang

On the other side of the night market, there are also many chinese stalls selling various kinds of food. But that day, we didn't buy much from the chinese stalls. Cause if I were to look for chinese food, I might as well wait for the Wednesday Farlim night market right (Penang biggest night market). I could find so many food I love there but the focus of the day is to hunt for Malay food. Hehe

Anyways, we did ate from the Chinese stall Lok Lok since we're kinda starving already looking at all the tempting-deliciously-smelled-good-food. 
(Realizes that Boon loves to eat Lok Lok ever since I brought him to eat for his very first time) Lok Lok is one of his weaknesses? hahah not once that he sees Lok lok stalls that doesn't tempt him to have at least a stick.  

Lists of food we bought : (Hope I doesn't miss out any)
1) Ayam percik (4 pieces) - RM12.50
2) Ayam kepak madu (6 pieces) - RM10.20
3) Ayam madu *the one look like sate one* (10 sticks) - RM10
4) Kebab ayam with Pita bread (2 pieces) - RM6
5) Laksa (2 packets) - RM6
6) Keropok Lekor *Crispy and Soft* (buy each RM1) - RM2
7) Shark fin soup with 2 abolone *Chinese stall* (1 box) - RM6.50
8) Soursop fruit *Durian Belanda* (1 piece) - RM15
9) Cold Bean Curd with brown sugar *Chinese stall* (2 box) - RM6

TOTAL RM74.20 (plus minus) *Forgotten some of the exact prices already*

Hungry already?
I know I am.

Till then,

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