Friday, March 27, 2015

Winter Day 2 in South Korea (2015)

Hey peeps,
the Trip continued' here . . .

22 February, Sunday 
We woke up and get ourselves ready by 8am. Ate our breakfast provided there. 
Then off we go to our today's destination. 
"Korean Folk Village"
My sister did a research and found out that they have performance on Sunday at 11am. 
So we scheduled our transportation to arrived there by train and bus. The total time add up should be exactly when the performance started. (That's how good my sister planning right)

*Heads up* This entry might be super long because of the amount of pictures I'm having here. So bear with me alright? Or you shall just scroll down and view the pictures as fast as possible. (Btw, there's many selfies in this entry too) hehe

Leaving the residence and towards the subway station. We're taking the line to Suwon Station and that was where the bus shuttle will bring us to the Korean Folk Village. 
The bus shuttle are mainly for the ride from Suwon Station to Korean Folk Village and back!
We took the bus at 10.30am sharp. 
I can say their punctuality is very good. Not like ours here. 
Train Selfie.

While waiting for the train..

Hi there. I'm sitting a little further from them. 

Bus Selfie.

Hie from all of us.

Journey to Korean Folk Village.
This picture was actually taken to capture the bus driver. hehe
Ntg special actually.

and finally we're here!

I'm gonna called Korean Folk Village as KFV from now on. 

KFV Main entrance Selfie?
(told you that this entry lots of selfie d)

The main entrance ticket of KFV was approximately RM48 each.
Sister manage to find coupons so it was discounted to RM 32 each. (not bad huh?)
Somemore got performance to watch leh.
The line is not long so not much to worry. Just take us around 5 minutes to buy them. 

It's not that bad after all going travel without professional tour guidance. You can save the $$$ and most of all, you can have all the time for yourself. 
Even though you have to catch the subway and bus all by yourself but it's a good experience to go through some of the things the locals did here too. 
There were lots of locals catching the subway to work and to university/colleges. 

For me, I certainly did not regret going without one. If the second time I go again, I would still go by myself. No thanks to Tour Guide, Sorry ha!

All the hardwork you need to do is just when you're planning the trip, plan it as detail as you can, don't be shy to ask for guidance from family and friends. Especially now, we could all use Internet to search lots of things plus reading blogs like you are doing it now right? 
That is why I'm trying to blog as detail as I can so I hope I could help at least anyone to have a great trip of theirs.
One good thing about planning it yourself is you could really know a lot about that places you're gonna visit before you actually went there. Then when you're there, you could really see and enjoy the attractiveness with all the time you have there and as long as you like. 
Rather than you are require to listen all the little details on that day itself by your tour guide. That's more like a business or study trip where you have to listen to your person in charge before enjoying yourself. 
I think at that moment, you're half listening and half enjoying. So you won't know that place well and you might miss out something plus you're not able to enjoy yourself fully.

Okay la sorry for the out of topic blabbering.
Back to the trip now . . .

Buying KFV ticket.

Snap before entering

Another selfie before starting our Journey in KFV

Hi Lion Guard?

This place is really so huge

Pass by this shop and saw most of the kids' faces were drawn.
Thought it was cute, so why not?

Choose one. Guess which one I chose?
They used water color only so it's actually very easy to wash off later on.

She actually draws superb fast leh. Only 5 minute I think.

Choses number 3. teehee ~
Actually was doubting whether to choose 3 or 6. Mum said 3 was cuter. So oh well

Not that perfect but acceptable la.
So fast leh, you want how nice?
It is somewhat a donation actually. Costs 1,000 won (approximately RM3.30)

Wefie with the tour guide of our own.

One of the restaurants.

The first performance. Started at 11am sharp.

The crowd

The view behind me where I was standing

Entering to another area.
There are lots of different area in KFV.

Sorry not sure what's she's trying to cosplay.
What I know is she tried to scare people couple of times.
Might be the ghost here. Haha
(thought she looks like Lichen at first)

Do you actually realise my sweater is a little too tight?
Actually I did not want to carry any bag cause my sweater was already very heavy so I tried to fit in all the things I have in this one sweater. 
It turns up to be so tight when I try to button or zip it up. Haha

hahahahha why did she want to capture that?

They have this thing to play too.
Not sure what to call that but who cares? Just play la

and this too. Haha
It's quite fun jumping this there.

okay my weird gesture.

This is actually the heater.
Standing near this really makes the difference.
So comfortable. 

Heater Selfie?

Balancing Rope too?

Now do you see how tight is my sweater? Hahaha
even the inner pocket I fit in something.
Now I realize how fat I look then

Saw the mini shelter?
That's the place for lunch!
You get hungry so easily when you're cold. Not sure why. 
Maybe by eating, our body is working so we wouldn't felt so cold?

That's one huge grashopper

I think this is a praying mantis? Not really sure. haha

Insect Selfie? Loll

Guess what's this cute man doing beside the bin?
Looking at his left hand? you and me know la hor. Hehehe

Not sure what they're doing at that time. Riding the horses round and round and round.

But the white horse hair looks really 'elegant' when it's running?
Not sure to use what term to state the horse but it really is a nice view to see that horse running.

not sure this little hut is for who or what to stay in. 
Perhaps cute tiny bunny or piglet?
They kept it cause of cold weather I guess.

This selfie kena bomb!

Who watch Dae Jang Geum movie?
What is this for d ah? forgotten already

Loving this tree actually
Out of all those tree only this tree survive the winter.
I wonder does it survive during the summer too? I want it in my garden!

Super small la the carriage
How to fit in people?
My sister said they should be very small in size 

Sorry too bright

Who were we carrying exactly? Hmmm

There were so many of these

Sorry bored you guys with these pictures. Just bear with me and continue scrolling down kay?

Hey guys, turn here and POST please. 

Take 1

Take 2

Take 3

The second performance is at 2pm and it's about to start after we're strolling most of the areas.

I've actually forgotten all about taking videos
so I took lots of pictures from the performance with the "Sports" menu function.
It captures few shots at one click. 
To avoid you from looking and scrolling down all the pictures and still don't see the attractiveness to that performance, I decided to compile it in a video.
The video quality may be blur and shaky. Forgive me cause this is somewhat the first time I edited pictures into a video format.
So please bear with this short 5 minutes of your time for this video too though I know you've spend sometime reading this post already.

Wish you could at least like it.

Do you enjoy it? Hope you do cause I did
I'm trying to share the great performance with you guys.
That's why I take all the effort to do these videos. 

After the performance, we explore more of the areas there.

Dad's idea of taking pictures. haha



Pass by these husky
They looked really fierce. They have that sound "Grrr Grrr' all the time
Maybe they don't like to be locked up or cause I'm disturbing them? Hehe
Cause I was like staring at them for few minutes. hahaha 
but they not looking at me also 

and then later on when I'm staring and capturing their pictures a while longer . . . 

Both of these bark at me so loudly.
Make me shout and ran away pula.

Went into one of the shelter house and it's a museum!
Took some of the things there only

If you see closely, these were the things people used to do last time in different months.

It's quite meaningful
From right to left is month of January to December.

Prenatal Education?

Dream of Forthcoming Pregnancy?
Sister called me to take these pictures.
Guess she wants to know when it's her turn. Hehe

Sister's bag was inside her sweater that's why she look so big in this picture. Haha

After strolling around the area of Korean Folk Village, finally we came to the end of the route.
So we plan to take the same bus ride back to Suwon Station at 3.30pm.
The bus have different time allocated for pick ups. There are 2pm, 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

The Suwon Subway Station is actually very huge. They have a very nice and huge place to dine in too. Various kinds of food selling there.
So we decided to stop by and have our tea time there. 

Here's the place

This corner is actually approximately 1/6 part of the whole shop. It's like a well-decorated food court.

This is one of the pizza stall we ordered from. 
They have this huge stove/oven for baking pizzas (just like how Penang have for making bagels too)
They even have a manager to run this very small stall. Their business should be good I guess.

Imagine this food court how huge until they could manage to put such a big and lovely fountain here?

Tea time Selfie

Hi Dad

Hello you!

 Ordered one pizza. (it's really good actually)

Their 'nian gao'? Mum and sis's favourite
(It's a bit spicy for my standard)
I love spicy but I couldn't manage too spicy ones.

Too good till ordered another one. Hehz

and this Baked Sweet Potatoes? OMG, love it maxxxx
Anyway, all the food costs very reasonable.

Then, we drop to another station by subway to go to the N Seoul Tower
At that time, it was around 7 plus to 8pm so it was quite dark already
Mum said it was too cold and dark to walk up the long streets before we're able to reach there.
Finally, we didn't manage to go till the top. 
So we just have a look at it from a distance and have our dinner nearby. Eat again. Haha

Zoom in view

Long and Cold Street Selfie

 Mum saw this shop selling Fried Chicken and the smell was superb.
She couldn't resist so she wanted to try
She said many shops started opening and selling these after the korean movie "The Lucky Star" have one of the scene where the lady come and eat these. 
Sorry if I mentioned anything wrong cause I did not watch that movie even though it's sooo famous.

Anyway, it was really delicious.
But the lady doesn't know how to agak/measure the portion for us. 
She ordered too big portion d. Cause mum let her choose for us.

Total of these two plates with just four small eater human!
It really is very nice but tak boleh habis memang tak boleh la. 
Paksa paksa also no use.
Might as well don't eat it rather than throw it in your stomach and your stomach couldn't digest it away.
But felt really bad to waste it. We waste about 3 pieces I guess? Not much la hor. 
We really tried our best le. Forgive us, Chicken!

On our way back, we were all so full.
But Vicky Khoo ini leh a bit greedy.
See these cute crackers where they let the customers hentam the ball crackers before serving them.

Bought the strawberry flavour one.
Vicky Khoo mau hentam you liao. Wakakaka
Actually it taste just like the 'Pocky' stick biscuits only la. Ntg special 

and yeah, that's the end of Day 2
We've spend our time happily together though we don't go many places.
Slowly enjoy the places ma.

Anyway, wish you enjoy the trip today that I've explore and bring you along this entry with all these pictures of mine.
Will update the next post 'Day 3' some other time.
Wait for it kays? 

Here's another End of the Day Selfie face of mine 


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