Monday, March 23, 2015

Winter Day 1 in South Korea (2015)

Hi people, 
Welcome back to the part I said I'll continued... (sorry I took so long)
This entry should be the 3rd day of Chinese New Year which is also the 1st Day in South Korea.

I'll try blog my whole vacation as detail as I can. So it might be long.
If you're not interested to know so much detail, you could fast forward and look at the pictures and the caption would do. 

Enjoy . . . 

21 February, Saturday
I actually witnesses the sunrise through the aeroplane's window as I was awake at that time. I didn't manage to take my camera out and snap because I was going to the ladies at that very moment. It was exactly something like this. Amazingly Beautiful. 

We reached Incheon International Airport around 8am (South Korea Location) in the morning.
The difference between Malaysia and South Korea time zone are only one hour apart. 
South Korea would be 1 hour later than Malaysia. It means at that time we reached airport, it is 7am in Malaysia.

After getting our luggage and all, the next important thing is to get the T-Money M-Pass card. It's a transportation card around Seoul Metropolitan City area. (including subway train, Seoul buses)
This M-Pass card is very convenient because you could reload the card at any 7-eleven shop. 
Anyway, we could get this card in the airport itself at Passenger Terminal (1F) Exits 5 &10.  

Another next important thing we did is to buy and register a Korea Sim card. You can inquired an assistant from there to help you with the registration. 
As for us, we only bought 1 sim card for emergency purposes only because it's not cheap. 
I know all of you need to use the line to serve the internet, Facebook, Instagram etc
Don't forget that you could search for a place where there's Wi-Fi because there's Wi-Fi everywhere, trust me! (I mean if you enter into a shop)

Once out from the Airport, Wooooahhhh, you could really feel the freezingly cool breeze.

Of course the next destination was to proceed to our accommodation since we're carrying such a huge luggage with us. Our accommodation was located in Myeongdong.
So, we sit BUS 6015 at exit 5B from Incheon Airport to Myeongdong.

When we reach our destination, we still need to walk and pull our luggage to our accommodation, 'Tomo Residence' which was not far away from the bus stop though we also ask for assistant from a 7-eleven shop staff. He's so good to lead us there when it's drizzling outside.

Tomo Residence @ 51, Myeong-dong 8ga-gil Jung-Gu 100-860 Seoul South Korea
Phone : +8227798353

Some pictures in this entry was grab in Google Image.

We found this place in and they got a very good review but only one drawback.
That is they don't have a lift though the staffs there are very kind indeed to help you with your luggage.
They do give free breakfast and it will be available in their pantry. Another best thing was they wash all your dirty dishes. (You know la when we're on vacation, who wants to do the dishes right?)

The reception.

This is the pantry. I really like having breakfast here though I'm not really used to having breakfast.

I'll brief you about our rooms later on. 

After dropping our luggage and had a few moments of breath in the room, we decided to walk and shop nearby this area which is Myeong-dong. This area is a popular and attractive place where the crowds will come here to shop. There are many various kind of shops here. 

Then we stop at a shop for lunch. We chose a porridge shop because we were all so cold because we were not able to adapt the sudden difference of surrounding temperature. Our body was still in the adapting phase. So once we saw porridge, we just straight enter and was not aware of the prices.
We just started ordering very fast. When the bill came and we found out that, one pot of that porridge costs around 15,000 won which is approximately RM50. 
We all had a shock and just laugh it off. A gentle reminder for us to always see the prices before ordering. Anyway, the food tastes delicious. It's a good value for money. Oh well~

That's pumpkin porridge and herbal porridge. The texture is so delicate that words also couldn't describe.
We ordered another one but I was too hungry to even bother to snap the other one. Haha

Yeah, it was still drizzling but it's alright. We had our umbrellas up and our hood on.

That's the Myeong-dong Streets
There's quite a crowd even though it's raining.

After walking for a while, we drop by Dunkin' Donuts to have a break and tea time. Should be coffee time.
Trust me, they have lots of Dunkin' Donuts shop lots in Seoul.

Selfie from me !
Actually I'm not feeling well that whole day since at KL already.
Been having flu and sneezing all day long.
But I still try to make sure I enjoy my every minute there.

Continue our street-walk!
This place is really huge and you have a very high percentage that you might get lost.
Until now, I couldn't find the right direction to the right path I intended to go.
Nevertheless. I still love walking in this street.

Myeong-dong street also have many small stalls selling various kinds of food.
Daddy especially would go buy from most of the stalls when we're in the middle of a shopping spree. 

This is one of the stalls that we bought the food from.

I think they call it as "Egg Bread"

Do you know nearly every stalls that sells food really do tempt lots of the crowd?
Especially when it's so cold and the food smells superb.
It's not cheap though.
If I'm not wrong, a piece of this Egg Bread costs 2,000 won which is approximately RM6.60. 

Hiee from us.

This is also one of the stalls there.
I guess this is the stall that we bought from the most. 
The whole week I can conclude that we bought from him more than 10 times.

Actually we just bought this one thing from that stall.
Their Fried Swirl Potatoes.
It looks simple and have nothing special. (That's my first impression)
After I ate it, just one mouth, one mouth is enough, you'll understand why we love it so much.
The guy will dip it through some orange-ish powder before serving us.
I think that powder is their secret recipes to the Yummy-ness 

Basically that one whole day was shopping, eating and shopping. 
What we meant by shopping? We don't actually spends on many things, we're just looking and observing their stuffs. (Just like window shopping, that's all) 

In one of their beauty shop.
Kinda huge though.There's a second floor.

I can conclude that they really have many beauty shops here. 
It might be because Korean really loves making and dressing themselves up.
Another thing I spotted was there were a lot of couples and beautiful and handsome young ladies and gentlemen. (I'm not sure whether they went for 'plastic surgery' or not)
What I am sure is the ladies had quite a thick make up on them. For the guys, they look genuine though and very tall. (compare to the guys here in Malaysia) 

Then, we're back to our rooms. This residence we booked two twin rooms. One twin for my parents and another twin for my sister and I. 
We will be staying there for 3 days and 2 nights.
The total costs staying in this residence was KRW 472,000. (approximately RM1,557.60)
Breakfast was included.

So below were my sister and my room. I apologize cause it may look messy

It's not spacious but it is clean and tidy.
We were the ones who make it looks so untidy and for that, I'm sorry.

Oops, the bathroom looks really small in this angle. 

After rest for a few hours in the room, we decided to take the Subway to the next destination.
We follow the subway map to locate which Station Line should we grab. (It was all so simple because of my sister's help and guidance too) She'd done a good research before heading to our destination. All I did was to capture and snap snap snap! Haha

Finally we arrived at Doota (a shopping mall located at Dongdaemun)
Saw the hug egg in the middle? That's not relevant though
Camera girl find nothing special to snap so snap that.

and snap myself la.. Hi there!
Sorry for the picture quality. The tour guide (sister) only knows how to lead the tour not the camera.

That should be all for Day 1 in Seoul, South Korea.
The coming days in South Korea would be much more attracting and exciting, I can reassure you of that. 
Stay tune for the next post.
Forgive me if it take quite some time.
I want to make sure the quality of my pictures and the arrangements of my entry.
So that really takes time. Just bear with me, dear reader. 

One last selfie of the post!


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