Monday, April 06, 2015

Winter Day 3 in South Korea (2015)

Hello there,
I'm back for another entry..
Have you been waiting? Or perhaps not. 

23 February, Monday
As usual, we get ourselves ready for the day and had our scrumptious breakfast. 
Today's destination is Everland

The journey to Everland were by subway and bus too.
They too had a bus of their own.
If you want to know where to look for the bus, go search for 'Everland Shuttle Bus Timetable & Information'.
Our bus ticket was approximately RM38 and ticket to Everland was approximately RM118. (It's a little cheaper because sister found coupons in the internet)

(Btw, this entry will be quite long too)

While waiting for the bus, we spam lots of pictures at the surroundings

It's actually freezingly cooling there. 
Don't let our excited faces expect that we're really enjoying the weather.
The place, yes. The cooling, yes. The thickness of our clothes, no. The wind, definitely no.

Finally, after waiting for around half an hour or more (it seems like very long to us)
cause it's so cold outside and there's no place to hide in.
Anyway, we arrived early, not the bus's fault (as I said they're very punctual)
The journey was about an hour ride.
The shuttle bus will drop us at a place where the main Everland buses grouping place.
At there, the bus will then bring us to Everland (about 5-8 minutes ride)

Walking towards the entrance
quite a distance also

Reaching. . . 

We're in Everland!

It's Snow Festival

Let's have fun!
Join me and feel the fun too, by looking at my pictures of course.

Beautiful right the gold decorated pol??

This tree very huge, I likey
I think they still decorated it with Christmas theme. Haven't take it off

Huge tree Selfie

Bom by daddy.. Hehe

Under the huge tree

First thing we play, back to kid's life ~

This korean guy very funny and cute.
He was dancing there alone when the music starts playing.

My horse pretty not?

This one pretty right?

Hello scary cable car.
Actually not that scary but I have acrophobia (fear of heights), so yeah it scares me a little

but it's not that high, so I was not until the stage terrified yet 

Do you see how straight I sit?
and I call daddy take pict. Do not dare to move at all

The view from above 

This is when we reach on the ground already. Faster take selfie
hahaha beh tahan nia
Do you realise there's a deer behind me? Bom me ah?

How can people possibly play that kind of roller coaster?
I don't know where to find that piece of courage also er.
Not even one bulu of mine wanna go up there, Noh noh noh!

Ready to go in 5D short movie
Though the movie is in Korean so we doesn't know what are they talking at all.

I guess it's Christmas theme too?

See that hand of mine holding an ice cream cone?
I ate three of that there on the same day!
and please I do not recommend you to eat the corn which my mum is holding
The worst corn ever that I've tasted in my whole entire life.
It's as if it's a fake corn. Like chewing rubber corn.

Another one? But this one not scary at all for me.
Coz protected by the green net below me

Feeling safe so yeah, take a selfay!

Hi everyone!

This is actually an Igloo

We're in the igloo.
I wonder is this the real size of an igloo or smaller.
I always thought it would be smaller and keep wondering how to go in there

Walk quite a distance to reach one place. This place is huge betul 

This is the main reason we came to Everland.
We don't intend to come to any theme park as my sister and I rarely play roller coaster (you know the reason why) so we thought it will be a waste of time going there.
But mom said she wanted to bring us to this place to play with the snow, since we are not lucky enough to come during the snowy weather. 
Unfortunately, we are not lucky at all. 
This place is CLOSE!

Disappointed only.
(Remember this place yea, I'll be referring back to this place which I called it as 'Snowy Slides')

Oh well, we still get to enjoy other things though
This car is so cute right?

Weird driver. Crazy passengers.

Then off we go to the Safari (I think it's called that, forget already)
This place is so cool cause they took us for a ride with a bus to the jungle-zoo-like-kinda-place
Too bad, I din manage to capture the Hyena.
They were all awake and has that hungry-serious-angry faces on them.
It's like their hunting time. If you're beside them, sure gone case.

Hi Simba! hahah

They could walk freely in quite a wide area. (So doesn't seem much like a zoo to me)

Sorry gonna spam pictures of the animals for now. Just scroll if you're not interested yea?

The bus driver was feeding them that's why it leads them to standing up and waving at us

Yeah, we are that near to them!
Just one glass away

 This bear reminds me of Ted the movie. I not sure why.

Why is that only Ice in this whole entire area? weird

Lazy bears

The cars is actually slowly chasing the bear out from the zone where the crowds could not see them.

Forget this call what already?
is it 'hu li'?

Saw the squirrel?
It is super fast la. Luckily I manage to chik chak

See how they attached the cage for the squirrel?

Kangaroos- just mini ones only

Orang utan

Bat also got
They said no flashlight. I wonder what will happen if someone puts flashlight?

Most of the owls there were sleeping

Except this one!
Or maybe it is sleeping with its eyes open. Creepy

I'm not sure what's this

This tortoise is so huge like OMG. I think you couldn't imagine by looking at this pict.
Nearly like my size already

This mother monkey feeding its baby milk

The Hut where people wanted to keep themselves warm

the heater.
Lucky no smoking was allow inside. If not, sure busuk betul

 The penguin so far away

Too bad we miss the Seal Show
but still manage to see the seal swimming.

Baby seal so cute right??

The huge one. Perhaps mother seal or father seal.

Polar Bear? this one very huge.

Do you see the female lion on the left side? I wonder why they separate this one from the others in Safari.

Taking with the waterfall

That's all for the trip in Everland!

The shuttle bus pick us up at 6.30pm
We have to go to the main Everland bus grouping place around 6pm.
So we won't miss the bus ride.

We went to Doota @ Dongdaemun again at night
Have our dinner there too.

I really like this soft ice cream very much. I ate twice at there.
Once a dessert lover, always a dessert lover.
approximately RM 15++ I think

Back to our room and do mask session with le sister.
Although the weather is not hot but it's too dry.
So have to keep our face moist always. teehee

Concluding my day here.
See you on the next entry~
Be patient with me yea


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