Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Is the one is what I want?

I've been thinking a lot. Once in a while, it crosses my mind.
About what?
About the things I'm doing, the things I'm capable of doing, the things I love doing.
This needs courage. I need courage.
Am I happy doing what I'm doing? Am I really?
Or I tried to. At least.

But don't get me wrong.
I'm blessed. I really am.
I have everything I've ever wanted.

The route I'm taking.
Is it what I really wanted?
Will I be happy with it?
Since I'll be facing it more than anything for the rest of my lives. 
Yet I couldn't be sure of it.
It have not even started and I'm here now already doubting myself.

Deep down, I've actually found the one.
The one that could make me smile even though it's tiring.
Yes, I know both will be just as tiring.
But at least, I would really enjoyed being tired with the one.

However, I could not bare to leave everything behind.
Though I know nothing is a waste.
Just a lesson learnt.

The thought of it sometimes scares me but it does cheer me too.
And same goes to the one.
There are obligations I got to look up to.
Certainly, I will not be that person again.
No more 'halfway journey'.

It's either Route A or Route B.
But nope, I'm not going to choose.
At least for now.
Going to be a little lot greedier but much more exhausted.
So both choices I shall.

I'm writing myself something.
Something to remind me when I starts to have doubts again.
To read again and to ask myself.
Is the one is what I want?

Signing off,

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Mother's Day│Black Kettle

Thought of making this post a sentimental post of how precious my mom is to me but nahhh, this post will basically be a simple post about Mother's Day dinner together with the family. (except that it's not whole cause of not having sister around again on this year's Mother's Day)   

FYI, Mother's Day always fall on a Sunday, just in case you don't know. 

Boyfriend and I would like to treat my mom for dinner however, bf's family usually have family night every Sunday so we was thinking not to do it on Sunday since my side of the family was okay with any days. 
So yeah, we did it on Saturday night, the day before Mother's Day. Heh

It's a pretty simple evening with my mom and my mom. Hah Dad decided to be a mom himself too on that night cause he sometimes did what normally a mother would do. (which is Housework) Hehe

We had our short dinner and our sweet little after-dinner-dessert-session at
Black Kettle @ 105, Beach Street, Georgetown 10200, Penang

Soft Shell Crab Burger

River Prawn Spaghetti Aglio Olio

Spaghetti Green Curry Lamb

We ordered three dishes to share cause four of us are all small eaters.
Definitely couldn't finish if we add another extra one.
and we're expecting desserts later on so not too much for dinner session.

Desserts time

Black and White
(I presume it's chocolate cheese cake)

Hot Cappuccino 

Foreign Guinness Stout

Scones with Strawberry Jams

Dinner and Dessert Session was on both of us.
My Bae and me
Thanks babe on behalf of my mom. Heh

That's all happened on Saturday evening, not the real day for Mother's Day.

So on the real Mother's Day, I decided to bake something she would love to eat. Of course I did asked her what she wanted and yes, she requested for her all-time favorite (as of now) Blueberry Cheese Cake.

On Sunday morning which is Mother's Day, just after mom left for work, I started baking.

Had some help from boyfie too like washing some dishes etc. Heh Tq.

Prepping and baking all done in about 2 hours time.
(Watching movie + enjoying the baking process)

Then it's the oven operating time. 

Cheese cake out from oven and let it cool down before I could top it up with mom's fav blueberry filling.

It's a simple and delicious recipe I'm using.
(Ps, not the same recipe I used to bake/blog it before)


Thank you, mom for everything.

I Love You.


Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Flashback April

As I promised, the random short entry I'll post.

Start working part time at Shervone Cakes & Pastry. 

Loving the working hours. Usually it's from 10 am to 2 pm only. Total of 4 hours work. 
Basically, I bake at work. And some decorations to do too.

Attended two weddings this month itself. One is cousin's which is on 24th and another is boyfie's friend on 30th.

The other day during wedding ceremony (morning until night), keep carrying babies/toddlers until the next day ache like what only. Not even Yoko yoko could save my arms but no regrets kay. Heh
Pass my ACCA optional P6 paper. Like finally. Left one more to go. P7 coming next on June. 
I basically did not touch P7 yet. Not at all. Left one month to go and I do look calm from the outside but I'm actually really stress inside. 

Learn to pipe 2D floral cupcakes by myself. Bought the 852 tip from Sunshine at Siam Road. Loving this progress.

My inner baking self is always there but to my surprise, I triggered my inner cooking self which I do not know exist in me. 
Hope to bake/cook more soon since I bought a lot of baking ingredients and yes, cooking ingredients too. 

After working in a bakery shop, I really feel having a legitimate electric mixer is really useful and saves a lot of time. I can bake 6 cakes within an hour with one electric mixer and a huge oven. 

So about that, I really hope to own one electric mixer. Normally, people would go for Kitchen Aid and yes, that's my dream come true but it's too expensive for me right now. I think I'll go with cheaper brands first. 

Budget set for myself for an electric mixer about RM500++

Read Timothy Tiah's Dayre and his new camera (Sony A6300) really attracted my attention. Especially when he said it's really suitable for amateurs. Like me lo. But it costs a whole RM4,550/RM5,500. Siao liao. No $$$ No talk. So I can forget about this thought for now.  
Having shared bank account with mom and to separate which is which and whose is whose is so complicated. Say no more to shared complicated bank accounts. 

I think that's way too much for a random short flashback right? Heh Too many things happen in a month ma. 

Okay la. Signing off liao


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