Wednesday, January 20, 2016

2016 Resolution

You know what?
I don't usually do resolution kind of stuff. If it could help in achieving something I wish for, like maybe giving me the commitment, determination or motivation to make it work then why not?

I have a few in my mind for quite a long time already. Yet, I know one of it I couldn't make it happen. Not that I can-not, it's just that I am missing that determination. (Yeah, I think that's what I'm lacking) *referring to the first resolution*
I'd always knew that I have this really bad habit that I wanted to remove (if there's a delete button, I would do anything to have that, I'm serious) 

Okay, what bad habit that I would want it gone so badly? You know there's a term in Hokkien called "Wu Tao Boh Bui" (Direct translation : got Head no Tail) In simple terms, it means that when you start doing something, you do but it is always incomplete. (Perhaps this is the reason I'm so afraid of making resolutions)
Just found out the correct term for this phrase. It's actually a mandarin idiom.
In Pinyin, it is called 'yǒu shǐ  zhōng'
In English : to start but not finish (idiom); to fail to carry things through lack of sticking power; short attention span

The Piano

So one of my resolution for nearly like every year is playing the Piano smoothly. I'm having this reso since I realizes I love playing piano which is like what, a dozen years already? Hah
Yet, I still haven't master the skills up until now. That's why I said I have that bad habit, always doing things incomplete. Sigh... 
Though I've finally learn how to read a little of the piano chords but I guess I've forgotten most of it already. 
I'm not too sure whether I'm even gonna make this as my resolution or not. Oh well, let me continue the others first 

The Studies
If you'd read my Dayre (another type of social media which is like a blogging platform), you should probably know that I'd failed two of the optional professional level papers in ACCA (P6 and P7). 
It's my first time failing an ACCA paper. So, what's my feeling? Obviously, I'm not happy.
You know, one thing about me that I think it's maybe a good thing or maybe its not. I'm quite a happy-go-lucky-type-of-person. The good thing is I'm mostly happy and usually think positively about most things while the not-so-good about this is sometimes I'm over-optimistic and I guess people tend to find you fake (they would think like how can someone still be happy after ....) 
Perhaps I'm just a bit good at getting my mind away off things or maybe think of the good side of it. 

So yes, I'm not happy for a moment but later on, my mind starts thinking... (Let you know how do I get over it so quickly in this case) Mind was talking to myself.
"It had already happen. Nothing I could do to reverse my mistakes right? 
What did I do wrong actually? Gotta find out.
Eh, cannot compare to others! Want compare? Compare to the previous me to improve
Perhaps this is not my field after all. Should I just quit?
Oh yea, I remember a quote which is related to failure. "Failure only happens when you quit"
I've already come till this far, no I cannot quit.
Gosh, I gotta waste more time for studying again. Bored of studying already but mom once said, never stop learning. Learning is simply a gain. Okay, it means in the future, I'll still keep on continue to learn which is equivalent to studying too. So fine, studying is not a waste of time.
(Actually I think a lot more in order to make my mind turn into positive thought)"

It's not that simple. You can actually see from there that my mind starts thinking of some negative thoughts before it turns into positive ones. What I do to switch it is to find a reason or excuses like some motivational quotes, experiences or advises from anyone or anything you could think of. (That's how my love ones indirectly supported me)

That's why I said before, I think a lot, like literally. Heh (sorry for the long-winded though)

I know you must be thinking, 'Yeah yeah we geddit already. You very positive. Hahha'

Anyways, this is a resolution post so this is another resolution of mine for 2016. To graduate and be an ACCA Affiliate.
"Failure doesn't mean you are a failure, it just means you haven't succeeded yet." 

The Passion
In baking? In auditing? In blogging?
Until this day, I'm still searching for that passion that could make me happy, that's the most important right? (Live with no regrets)
For me, a passion is something I look forward to every single morning when I opened my eyes. 
Is it so hard to look for your own passion? 
Of course, there are so many things besides those three. I want myself to look further, further than my eyes could see. 

Can travelling helps? Reading more helps? Or sometimes what you really need is Luck (Opportunities)?

I'm always finding, thinking and yes, I hope 2016 will be the year I can finally aim for something to grasp on.

The Career
2016 will be mostly about these type of things okay? Hah What do I call these type of things?
'The Approach of Being an Adult' maybe?
I'm in my twenties already ma so of course gotta prepare to earn my own *kaching kaching*
Some of you may be wondering that aren't passion and career nearly the same thing?
Yeah, I wish I wish I wish, it's the same thing!
Maybe it shall also be one of my resolution? Heh (So many maybe's)
Okay let's be more realistic here. If that really happens, it would be my dream come true already, not just any resolution achieved. Also, provided that I'd found my passion already.
Though someday, I shall and I will do my best to achieve it.
"My career is my passion. My passion is my career."
Wah, damn nice weyhh.

Okay, back to the more achievable ones first.
In 2016, I want to be either employed or self-employed. Whichever that could get my bank a regular cash inflow and more importantly, gain knowledgeable experience.
If employed, please be the company I've been dreaming to work for.
If self-employed, please be the business I've been passionate enough to fight for. 


You must be thinking, 'Like finally, this entry is ending.' Hahah

So far, I have 4 already right? Yeah, the Fantastic FOUR!
Let me put these resolutions in my mind for 2016 first. One cannot be too greedy, aye?



Saturday, January 02, 2016

7th Year Anniversary

Guess where?? Haha
I mentioned about this place before in one of my previous entries that I'll come back when there's any function. So yeah, an anniversary lunch at here sounds great!

If you wanna know where we date or you don't care; but you still want to know where's this place, here's the LINK

The main thing I brought the boyfriend here is because of the Salmon I craved from my last visit. I knew he would love it too. Salmon is one of our favorite food, be it raw, medium-rare or fully cooked. Seasoned or unseasoned even. Heh

I'm actually the type of partner who really likes everything get planned nicely (a bit perfectionist symptoms triggering) while the boyfie is the partner who are really okay with anything most of the time like literally (it also means he's kinda undecisive leh) 
Nevertheless, he's sometimes quite bossy on certain things. (which I like)

In spite of all that, I do like spontaneous plans as well (reason cause sometimes we tend to get lazy on planning la hah) This lunch venue was already in my head for quite some time. 
So, I came up with this idea since we don't plan anything on that day and told Bee-Eff to have a guess on the venue, he eventually figures out but only when we are like 5 minutes before reaching. Heh 

and yeah, cheers to our Spontaneous Anniversary Date at The O'lives

It's quiet here, good time for a date. Hehe
They don't usually have much customers during lunch. Not sure why
I guess not much people know about this place. (Their location was not too obvious for passerby)
It's actually quite a good thing for the customers like me, likes to eat here but worry about the hike in prices when this place is more known to people.
Yet, I still blog about this place haha
gotta give some justice to their food la which I kinda love it already on my 1st visit here.

While this bee-eff was busy-ing with his stuff, me as usual, trying to snap a good picture out from this natural sunlight.
Unfortunately, my face don't give any justice to the beautiful sunlight. Haha
I was quite lazy to put on any make up la, let my face have some time breathing from last night's dinner make-ups
(Looks kinda tired though in the picture below)

Okay, enough of our faces.
Let's begin the real deal!

As usual, the 'Bread & Butter' was on the house
serves warm which is great
(Love it when bread are serves warm)

We ordered two sets of lunch which consists of:
Main Course

"The Appetizers/Soup"

Caesar Salad - hers
'Portion was just nice. I like the color that gives the freshness feel. A good appetizers'

Seafood Soup - his
'There are scallop, prawn and fish. All three seafood are freshly served. Soup was delicate enough'

"The Main Course"

Chicken dish - hers

We actually return this dish back cause there's a long hair sticking on the chicken but no worries, they are very professional. They brought back the dish and served me a new one. I could still feel the heat. Though it took some time to get the dish done. 

'Chicken was cooked perfectly. The sauce goes really well with this dish. Love the potatoes cause the lover likes potatoes'

Salmon dish - his

The first time I came, they served me the belly and in bigger portion too. It suits the condition at that time since we have 3 people sharing the dish. This time there's only one person eating (actually 2 la, he fed me some) so the portion was satisfying.

'Salmon was perfectly cooked. Not dry at all. (When salmon are overcooked, it's really dry and you wouldn't want that) Sauce was great too. Mash potatoes at the bottom was really fine.' 

"The Desserts/Coffee"
We both ought for desserts after we heard what is the desserts of the day.
The waiter said it was Chocolate cake and I was instantly excited cause it's my favorite.
The boyfie knows really well that I love it and chose the same, just so that he can fed me more. Heh

Unfortunately, when the desserts was served, I was really disappointed.
Not only because it's not chocolate cake, I could actually go along with any other types of desserts too but why why WHY!!
Why must it be some kind of desserts that goes with GINGER! (Urghh, GROSS)

So we was served with this 'ughh-like-desserts'
The bee-eff knew it the moment he saw and smells it that I would certainly hate this.

Ginger-Taste-Like-Desserts-Ewww - his and hers
(I don't even bother asking for the name of this desserts)

You probably don't wanna hear the comments for this desserts come out from me but I'm still gonna say type it

'This is gross gross and gross. It's so sweet and ginger-ish taste that you would need to make an appointment to the dentist for consuming it all. (let me exaggerate a bit) Ice cream was okay but still it has that taste. I nearly vomit on my first attempt on giving this desserts a chance like literally. (thought ginger DESSERTS might give me second thoughts on my-already-disgust-impression on ginger but nope, not changing my mind)'

See, the boyfriend try-not-to-have-the-sour-ish-and-bitter-ish-looks on the face when he saw me having that look on this desserts already. 

Oh yes, I did told the other waiter that they served us the wrong desserts which the other waiter had mentioned when we asked.
and nope, he said they only have this desserts and no chocolate cake for the day.

Minus points for you (Thumbs down)

Even though the desserts session was a pure disappointment, (maybe not for some people who are okay with ginger) the other dishes were fantastic la actually.
Most probably, I'll still come back but I'll make sure to reconfirm on my desserts during my next visit.

Sorry not sorry for the overly reacted me from the above. Heh (cause I really hate ginger)
and some more dare serve me on my most anticipated session of the whole dining course, DESSERTS time, walaooo. 

Okay I shall stop the complaining now. Haha

If you must know, the bill for our lunch was 77 MYR
This time I asked (beg) for my turn to treat. 
Do you know how I succeed in persuading him to let me treat? hahah (which usually doesn't work)
I told him this was my anniversary present for him cause I didn't buy him anything else already.
So, he was like fine then.
(Me wins)

Anyways, we still enjoy each other's company very much.

Guess what he gave me for our Anniversary Gifts?
hahhaha like for real okay.
'Jabra TALK Bluetooth Headset'
He said I was always on the phone during driving, so dangerous. So yeah, he gave me this.
(was planning to blog on another post for BoonFection but here also can la)

In the mean time, I lied (white lies never mind la hehe)
I offered to buy him something when we went hunting for his CNY clothes.
So finally bought him an E S P R I T Hoody which is on sale at that time. (If not, my offer will be in denial already)

I can't believe we had been dating for about 7 years already, time passes really fast.
We had gone through many things together and yet we'd never really quarrel before. (eh I'm serious, this one not lying)
Let me summarize up our Love Diary ~
2 years of him chasing her (more like disturbing her la actually) He likes it when she is annoyed (weird bee-eff, maybe that's why we never quarrel) 
and then, when she accepted him, he gotta stay hidden cause apparently she wasn't dare to tell her parents about them. He, on the other side doesn't mind of being hidden for 4 years. (I know you must be wondering how do this relationship survive right?)
Like finally, she gathered her guts to told her parents about him and it's been like 3 years already since then. Yet, he still are continuing to proof himself to her 'strict ones'....  
and that's the story of our journey.

I'm really blessed to have this weird bee-eff
so yeah

Friday, January 01, 2016

The Eve of 2016

31st December, Thursday
Where did we went on that night? The same old place as usual. Heh
If you didn't know where, our night was spent at Penang Swimming Club located at Tanjong Bungah (just the same like last year)

This year's theme was "Flashback" 60's thru' 80's
Kinda more to the Elvis Presley time...

*Assume you didn't know I cheated on this entry's date, if you don't know what I meant, ignore this*
(I'm also gonna cheat on some coming few posts too actually, I gotta keep back on track on what I've missed. Hah so stay tune)

I'm not gonna blabber too much on this entry.
Lesser words to describe cause lesser pictures were taken on this occasion.

This year round they're having buffet style which most people were not very fond of it. Heard that their management had changed already so most things were different. Even the lucky draws were not that attractive. Their top few prizes were all wines, wines and wines!
Our luck on lucky draws were really not at a good timing lo hehe (should had gotten last year)
Anyways, we got picked from the lucky draws and as I said, most of their prizes are wines. So yeah, we get wine (blehh, I'm not very fond of it cause I don't enjoy drinking wine)

Say not gonna blabber so much but still did it. Hehe 
Okay okay now to pictures ! 

Sorry for this quality of picture. It's taken by iPhone6 Plus (not my camera) in a low light condition.

The set up for the dinner was not well managed too. It's quite far for the ones sitting far behind.
Last year was better. I suppose many would boycott this place next year if they don't market their improvements. Haha (Talk about marketing skills pula)

This year's decoration was very mild too compared to all the previous years'
No place for people to snap beautiful and lovely pictures to end the year 2015.

I was actually snapping the decorations but this cute guy here, Dextor thought I was capturing him.
So oh well, second picture make him the center of attention for this picture. Heh 

Cute right my mom? (bottom picture)

Do we dressed well and suitable enough for the theme? Got 60's thru' 80's feel not?

Aiya, mom why you close your eyes? 

Thought we would look taller in this angle haha
but I don't think so right? Fail attempt

This was just before the clock strikes 12 
We start counting down to the very last seconds of 2015 and to welcome the very start of 2016.

These 3 pictures were taken by iPhone 6 Plus too in low light so excuse the low quality pictures.

Welcoming 2016 with a Happy Family

Though the dinner location was not up to par but we enjoyed ourselves cause the most important thing is to have each other happily side by side on this special occasion.

This was what I treasured and will always treasure~


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