Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The 'Balls & Sausages' BBQ party

13th July, Monday
Like finally, we meet up.  #thatFOURgirlsagain

with Janice, Lisa, Winnie and Vicky (me).
total of RM40 spent. (each RM10)

We meet up at my house about 6pm. I arrived home late and when I'm back home from running few errands, Lisa and Winnie were here already.
Janice arrived not long after that from work nearby.

We usually do budget activities together. Since four of us prefer the simplest way of BBQ food, we only have :
Balls : Cheese & Meat
Sausages : Black Pepper & Mini 
Sauces : Honey & Butter
comes with vegetable salad & sesame seed dressings.

with only all that, it's already so delicious and quite filling I must say.

now now, let the picture speaks on its own.

the BBQ pit.

Kakak is there to help us out a bit too. =D

Chit-chatting time in the living room

Time to wash off some oil with English tea (Earl Grey)
Thanks to my mum who prepares this.

and some fruits on the table there. (Grapes, Apple, Pears and Mangoesteen)

Hope we will meet again as soon as possible.

Cheers to many activities to come ~
(Budget ones? teehee)


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