Thursday, July 30, 2015

Valentine's Double Date

This is a super throw throw back post
It's literally obvious cause of the title. Hah

14th February. Saturday
Valentine this year, double date it will be!
The first couple goes to us of course (if not, why in the first place I blogged about this valentine)
The other couple, de' parents.

Why double date? 
It just happens izzit  =))
Apparently, my momma is a bit clingy so she wanna hang out together so yeah, double date lo.
I don't really mind spending time with the parents on Valentine anyway
and of course I asked him first. He's cool with it so yupps, "Double Date on Valentine"
Basement Six @ 56, Chow Thye Road

:: 1/1/2009 - 14/2/2015 ::
6th Valentine together
~more to come~


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Picnic day out at PANTAI

17th July, Friday
Picnic day with the family and relatives

Head count : 
The parents
Grandpa , 1st korkor , 2nd korkor , Pek pek , Ah mmm , Daddy , Jik jik

Cousins & the husband/wife or bf/gf
Kit , Siew May , Ling , Kah Wei , Rachel , Cheng , Adrian , Sarah , Shaun , Vanessa , Vivien , Wei Boon , Vicky(me) , Zareen , Jesslyn , Jack

Rein , Zein , Sha Lynn
(Names I called and understand only) *just for my record purpose*

Usually we'll go to the same exact places every single time which is in Gertak Sanggul but unfortunately this year, the aunty who own the land there do not want to rent already. 

Why oh why... I love the combination of the 'air masin' and 'air tawar' together la.. and that's the only place I know who have that.

'Air masin' equivalent to the sea water.
'Air tawar' equivalent to the fresh water as in the fresh water from the waterfall or the mountain la (whatever it is from)

I've always love being in the water especially the fresh ones. 

Sea water is okay okay for me only because
1) It's salty and I hate it when I accidentally taste it;
2) I don't know for some reason why my eyes hurts when it gets a little wet from the salty water;
3) Sea water could get a little warmer according to the weather condition and I just don't like being in a warm salty water when the weather is already so hot. 

Conclusion, fresh water / waterfall / 'air tawar' BEST !!

So it turns out to be not as what I'm expecting which is to enjoy the combination of both sea and fresh water. 

Okay, nevermind. I still have another one thing that I'm longing for when it's a picnic day out.
Nope, it's not the food if that's what you think it is. 

It's a FAMILY DAY yo.
and I've always love family gatherings. Teehee

This picnic day out were actually camping days but due to lack of support, so picnic day it will be.

In the end, we found a place which is nearer. Just a few metres after passing Khun Tai Restaurant and Hai Boey Seafood. You can see a sign wrote "PANTAI" so my dear sister assume that's the name of the beach we went. 
Luckily the day we chose to come is Raya time, so the owner and their family were not there. So we wouldn't need to worry of interrupting them too much. 
but of course, there's someone looking after the area so it's not free too. 
I forgot to ask about the rental. I think it's not really expensive.

I think if the owner is there, then it will be very expensive. We saw a signboard hanging on one of the tent, saying Tent rental : 1st hour RM1 each and every subsequent hour another RM1 each. (Crazy expensive) 
I think the tables we used also have to rent one if they're here. (later on you can see in the pictures)

This time round, potbless theme for the picnic. Everyone have to bring at least something to share. 
Food prepared : 
- Char bee hoon with homemade sambal (local style and thai style)
- Claypot rice with lots of ingredients
- Fried maggie
- Spicy corn soup (family's recipe) *everyone's favorite*
- Cheese sausage bun with 'mayo and mustard sauce' or 'spaghetti-tomato-meat-sauce'
- Spicy tuna and mild tuna to go with salted biscuits dressed with slices of tomato
- Potato salad

Fruits prepared :
- Durian
- Cempedak

Snacks prepared :
- Twisties
- Cheesels 
- Double deckers prawn 
- Koko krunch
- Honeystars
- Milo ball (don't really know the name)

Drinks prepared :
- Mineral water
- Pepsi
- Chrysanthemum
- Winter melon tea
- Soya bean

*What did I miss? Hmmm*

Pictures spamming time ~ 
(pictures is as original as it seems, I just 'bam' upload all without filtering or editing any of it)

This is a mini stairs/cliff down to the beach

This kitten damn manja.. Keep near everyone to purr
Purr few times okay la but it keep purring the whole day we're there..

Thanks to all the men for their energy pumping this mini boat 

The environment actually quite nice but the sand a little bit too much ants lo.

Baby girl afraid of the sea at first but still try to smile for the camera in the midst of crying

The chicken head and the crab cage

At the end of the day, left 2 cages only. Another 2 disappeared in the middle of the ocean already.
Thanks to the strong wave 

We bring the potato salad and

the tuna with salted biscuits
Forgotten to capture the rest of the food. Issshhh

also got lady's energy la actually. heheh

Baby girl not afraid of the sea already

and also Vicky Khoo's energy in it though just a little
Heh it counts okay. thanks to me also la we have a wonderful boat ride too. hahaha

They're quite far already
I use camera zoom in. Not bad right? still clear
*no edits kay*

Tying the rope to the trunk and attached it to the boat so we wouldn't go too further
just in case the wave decides to bring us to another side of the ocean

Pulling them back

Baby girl is better than me.
My eyes a little bit pain already when touches the sea water
Why like that ha? Can anyone tell me?

You're welcome =D

This man always so busy
haha at least he's helping, not like me.

We wet swimming
They dry swimming
Too old to wet themselves I guess.. ahhaha kidding

High tide when we're there.
The wave kinda strong
I wonder is it fun to surf

Baby girl also got her mini boat
Saw boyfie and me on the right side of the pict?
Back from another side of the ocean already haha kidding
Quite hard to paddle though
really need cooperation if not you'll be turning round and round and round
Like us, merry go round. hahaha

Enjoying my boat ride while everyone is watching me enjoying myself~

Standing here post, too dark my face.

Okay then, change to this direction. Kena red ant bite pula

Van-khoo-ver bombing!

Playing with the mini crab

Wanna tie its claws.. mini claws... not that simple kay
The crab damn active.

Baby girl you smile but you don't want look here one.. aiyaya

Boon vs Zein

what you boys doing hmm?

This cat keep looking at the food hahaha let me spot tio

Her 'Apunene' pattern

Let the kitten play with the crab

Guess who wins?

Nah, the active champion

These cheeks should be quite heavy I guess
nevertheless she still lift it up to give us a smile
Sweet Sha Lynn

the food table

the bag table

Try to splash me huh?

Don't think so.. 

Durian by the beach
Best one.. yumsss

baby girl likes durian too

Finger lickin good

Push ar push ar
actually better tactic is to pull I guess

Clean up session
At first I thought the toilet would be a bad one and I actually hesitated not to take a bath
and just to let myself dry on its own

For me, anytime I go anywhere, be it travelling or anything, one of my priorities are the accommodation (that includes the bathroom)
It doesn't need to be 5 stars but it absolutely needs to be clean.

So since this is a picnic day out and not camping, the toilet/bathroom is the only important feature for me to be concern with.

Previously, at our usual beach place which is further down Gertak Sanggul
The bathroom was acceptable. It's spacious and the water is from the hill so it's very clean.
As for this PANTAI,
The bathroom is acceptable too but it's not that spacious. What I like compared to the usual place is they have shower-head-cap so you don't need to spoon the water by yourself.
So also boleh tahan la

If you all want to know about the toilet, I think I couldn't really give a true opinion here cause my case, I rarely goes toilet so I did not went to the toilet at all.
It's actually not good for my digestive system but sometimes, I felt pretty lucky cause I really hate going public toilet.

After Bath

I think the only benefit of having less hair is that your hair dry faster than others.
which is not a big deal.
I prefer long, thick, straight and silky hair. Please grant my wish. =))

The dry and the wet

Here's the entrance to the PANTAI
A few car parks available too
Packing and going home

Bye everyone
Bye beach, will see you again
but not sure it's here or somewhere else.


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