Saturday, May 02, 2015


Hi you there!
Today's entry are quite obvious. It's about us, the FOUR girls. Yes, AGAIN!
If you already know but I'll just restate it anyways, they're my besties, buddies, girlfriends, darlings and whatever you named that represents our friendship.

We're meeting up again FINALLY after quite some time.
We're always busy with our own little world or life you may call it.

Once a while, I really do hope that we'll spend our time together more often like we used to talking about our life, happiness, sorrows, ups and downs even though our world are completely different now and we may not think alike or we are not the same (as in characteristics) with no barriers (I meant secrets, shyness, embarrassment, ego, etc)
Eventually, the chances always slip off. Not to say we doesn't want it, maybe it's just not the right timing perhaps. 
I believe, if there's a WILL, there's always a WAY! 
So, maybe one day I'll make it WORK but to make this work, I need all to believe and commit.

Okay, why did I suddenly became so sensitive?
Maybe, the definition I'm having for 'Best Friends' are different from others, it means something more for me and something far more IMPORTANT.

Let me make this clear, it doesn't mean we're not close now. It's just we're having our separate and different life now and we just couldn't make time for that very moment to happen again (or is it just ME feeling that way) I could express with words no more. Heh.. Anyways...

Back here.
The other day, Janice makes the first call to have the meet ups. 
Sometimes, the timing is not right but this time, it work.
Here goes... 

Me, Winnie, Lisa and Janice

As usual, when we meet up, we eat, talk and then VAIN

Went to Morganfields *Home of Sticky Bones*
(what a cute name they gave themselves)
So, call us I shall *that FOUR girls in VAIN*

They make the order, I snap snap snap!
The waitress who serve us I guess her name is Geraline?
I remembered cause she called me to write a review/survey on their services so it requires her name as the server.

We're sitting at the corner left of the restaurant.
This is the view from my side.

So colorful
Guess which color each of us took.
Tips given already. (it's the first picture somemore ar)
Sure you're not observant enough. If you are, I give you a CLAP. Heh

We ordered

Tequila Spiked Chicken RM36.90

Hickory BBQ Ribs - Half Slab RM40.90

Sloppy Burger RM21.90

Ice water RM2.00
Warm water RM2.00

Total bill RM103.70 (inclusive GST 6% RM5.87)

Wow, I even remembered the price in detail! 
I'm having the receipt with me so I could refer (not that I have the perfect memory) Hahah

it's time for the 
*that FOUR girls in VAIN*
to prove their title.
Jeng jeng jeng jeng. ENJOY our silliness and OMG so vain!

so sleepy ar Janice? haha




till we meet again, darlings~

and Good day to you, my sweet readers.
I'll probably be back after my June examinations?
Maybe sooner.
No assurance for now.


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