Wednesday, October 14, 2015

1st Anni-Blogger-sary

The title says it all.
Today, my 'Diary' officially turns to ONE

I've been blogging since 2009 which was few years ago but I never really liked it back then
it was like an obligation for me to post my stories up
At that time, there's just no feeling of narrating my stories up in a diary/book nevertheless blog
but then on this day, when I was literally in the shower, I had a great feeling

*Shower is my best place of getting new ideas* I should get one of this I think

I'm not sure how it came but the idea just POP out of my head and the feeling just came out right from the heart.
The feeling of narrating/writing down my stories/memories
at a place where I can keep it and wouldn't scare of it getting lost 
(my hard disk wouldn't be overloaded with pictures)
whilst sharing them with people
though my stories are not interesting but it is for me.

30 years from now, I could glance back the pictures and memories where I stores it right here.
Yes this is the date
14th October 2014, Tuesday
I'm officially a blog lover.
When I had that idea in the shower, I literally come out from it without thinking of dressing myself first, I on my laptop to click on the button "New Blog"

that's how this "" been born! 

So, the date today which is 14th October 2015, Wednesday
I would like to officially announced its One Year Old Birthday

If you've been following me from the start, you'll also realize I have a logo for my blog.
It's a rough scratch and hand drawn by me.
Yes, it's also created/drawn on the same day when the blog is born.

When ideas came, I just couldn't stop it from coming and obviously I wouldn't ignored it too.
So I'll just go with the spontaneous flow with what my shower ideas brought up. Hah.

Anyways, I've edited my Blog Logo just for the sake of my Blog's Anniversary.
(You gotta be thinking that I have nothing better to do right. Heh)
I wouldn't deny that I'm a little perfectionist when it comes to little things like that
Although it's not the real Perfect but I did my best with my limited creativity skills.

As you can see earlier,
Today's theme is Baby Pink & Baby Blue
it's actually kinda obvious.
Nearly everything is in these colors.

So far, I've never regretted or even once had the thought of stopping my narrating habits/blogging

Hahah okays I admit
I don't think that statement relates anything between blogging and failing.
(Just found this picture which suddenly suits my theme color so yeah, put it here)

But it actually kinda relates to not giving up and dreaming big!
At least, I think so.

Enough of the wordings now
Glance of some of the pictures I blogged one year ago.
Gone through quite a lot of things just in a year
Here goes

Can you recall back to all those moments/blog post through these pictures?
I know I did.

Ending this post with a great happy laughter
(just cause the colors match my theme again) teehee

The best thing about MEMORIES is Making Them
Yours faithfully,

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