Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Gathers 2015

Again, I'm late for an entry like this. Haha
and I actually schedule back this entry's date to last year since this entry is about last year's Christmas gathers. (obviously)
Never mind the dates kay, let's get started with this exciting night. Heh

26th December, Saturday
Everyone gathered @ my house with family and relatives
Started our evening at about 7pm and here's how the rest of the day goes... (Look at the pictures and try to follow the flow then you'll enjoy *reading* as well)

When my first relatives reach, I'm already so excited
Some reach quite early for the preps of course. Thanks for the help though you're all the guest haha
aiya, forgotten. Here no guest guest all, all also 'yi jia ren' (family)
So, 'yi jia ren yi ding yao phang mang ma' (family gotta help each other right?)
Sudden change of language pula. heheh
Okay, back to proper international language better

Setting up the tables for the feasting.
Nice hor the color combination? Suits so well with the Christmas theme.
Anyways, tiga tables saja mana cukup right?
There's words called, "Take Turns" Heh
abo you want my house set up all tables and chairs like restaurant meh? Haha No la, it's because my house actually don't have enough tables and chairs.

Oh wait, I think I forgot to mention that this Christmas we're gonna BBQ the-not-so-healthy-food (mostly carbs)
Wait and see what we got for our dinner!
In the mean time, here's my cousin (up) building up the fire.
We so cool right use fan to blow the fire?! Hahah (ok, I mean him)
Also, we had the Grill, so yeah, not only BBQ-ing, we gonna do the GRILL-ing too!
Yum yummsss

Wow, Christmas lagi ada cake makan lo, so 'ho mia'
somemore nicely decorated to match with Christmas (Tq for the effort)
by Ah mmm the Great Pastry Chef
It's a butter cake anyways. (nearly forgot to mention what cake)

What do we have here?
Nope, your eyes are not lying to you.
It's what every buffet usually have, jeng jeng jeng jeng
"The Chocolate Fountain"
by Ah Boon the Great Fatness Feeder
(wow not bad the name I just created hahaha the name suits him)
actually he bought me this mini chocolate fountain machine for my Christmas gift (For that, I thank you but uh-huh I'm still not gonna take back that phrase) Heh 

Can you see the Chocolate gooeeyy-ness??

Another thing to prep.
"Fried Poh Piah"
got prawn and taugeh somemore (weird type of poh piah right?)
by Momma the Great Cook-with-Instinct 

Why that phrase? cause she literally cook by using her instinct lo
As in, she has no recipe in her brain before she starts cooking, she cooks first and then the recipe only came by. (Her style of cooking) So I can't say my mom doesn't know how to cook, she does but she gotta go with her instinct. (So far, nothing turns bad YET)
Okay la, maybe cooking is different from baking. There's always a place for correcting the taste (I suppose) by adding salt, sugar, water or blaahhh.. (nope, I wouldn't know what else cause cooking is not my cup of tea)

Let me give her some credit la, she memang deserves it
Cause apparently, many who ate her Poh piah d, they fell in love with it!
All also keep asking for recipes.
However, I guess she can let you know what she put in but she couldn't exactly tell you how she cook and the steps she cooks it (referring to the 'bang kuang char')
Just as I said, she cooks with instinct, unless she has a great memory, she couldn't tell you the exact details. 

and here's my cousin from far-far-away-land (England) who's just back
fyi, I'm not sure what's he prepping leh.
Camera girl just snaps and doesn't ask. Hah
I think cutting onions for BBQ??

Guess arriving one by one bringing their joy, excitement and definitely gifts.

Woots, presents also piling up one by one as the guest arrives.

Oh yeah, I also forget to mention that one of the carbs we're having are CRABS
Sorry for the 'ugly' sight of this angle
They literally just dump all these live crabs in one of the corners of my house's garden.
Don't worry, it's still safe cause their claws were tied up
So the toddlers and kids all go play with it. Yes, with adult's permission. Or not?!
I think the kids rush go see first before the parents could identify the safetyness
but obviously, the person who dumps it there would make sure it's safe first
So all is well, no worries.

Another few of the carbs (not-so-healthy-food right?)
Can you see the amount of those lambs, it's crazy!

Take your calculator out and try counting how much would it cost to have that much amount of CRABS and LAMBS, oh gosh!!
So I would like to THANK the relatives who sponsored in these gatherings.
I think the total sponsored were approximately RM1,000 ++
Some sponsored RM100, some sponsored more and it accumulate up to that much amount of money.


Another Thanks to STEVE (cousin ah boy), the guy at the most right corner
for lending us the BBQ pit and the GRILL

In the process.... bbq-ing and grill-ing

Food is about to be served

Like finally right?!
I know you tam-chiak ones all waiting for this part only
Hanna hanna, let's INDULGE

"Very Spicy Corn Soup"
by Jik Jik the Great Cook-who-can-clone-Grandmother's-Recipe

Oh yes, this recipe is actually from my beloved late grandmother.
She's a great cook either.
We're always craving for her dishes and fortunately, jik jik knows how to cook it.
Also, we try not to miss having this dish whenever we attempt any type of pot-bless dinner with the fams.
and Of course, that's one great dish!

"Spicy BaLiTung"
by ... (sorry I forgotten who) or maybe by same person also I think
referring to Jik Jik cause the kuali same type ma. Hahah

and there's the Poh Piah after frying
the Crabs after barbecued (we have two types of crabs actually but I don't know the correct word to describe their differences) Want to know how to differentiate? Okay, I'll try to explain.
It's pretty simple, before it's barbecued, one is black while the other is orange-ish in color. (not bad right my description?)
We have salads too, that's the only healthier food served.
(Forget to snap Ahmmm's "Mango Avocado Salad")

If I'm not wrong, there's more food other than all these pictures I snapped
but I don't manage to eat it all plus was actually busy helping to wrap the Poh Piah in the kitchen so didn't manage to capture some of the food
Turns out, I'd forgotten about some of the food we had already (while I was typing this) Alamak!

*That's why this time I did not list out one by one the Appetizers, Main Course, Desserts, Snacks, Fruits and etc*

So just be it la, go along with all my pictures and my stories can le Heh ;)

Nahh, (pointing to the picture above) the black crab

and of course the chocolate fountain
We paired it with marshmallows and grapes.
It's the most easiest to buy and prep ma (actually nothing to prep also)
Pop the marshmallows in a bowl, wash the grapes and there you have it!

Here's the butter cake!
Oops, I snap wrong side. So I swipe it to show you the word on the cake that said,
not only nicely decorated leh, some more sedap ar

(pictures below)
Another dessert so called as "Coconut Brown-Sugar Sago"
by Ah mmm (also)

not really sure the brown sugar is actually Gula Melaka or not
but gosh, this is Delicious!

One more last food 'picture' I had *justbelow* (not literally the last 'food' cause there's more that I did not capture)

Obviously, you already know what's that right?
(Nope, I don't think you know what I mean. Hah)
I had actually blogged about this cookies recipe in the previous post

"Christmas Chocolate Chip Cookies"
baked by ME the Great Baking-by-Mood Amateur Chef (Heh)
just one day before this gathering

(Nah, if you want know the recipe, I'll make your life easier, just press here, LINK)

ToBeHonest, usually any parties that are having BBQ, I don't eat that much.
I still can remember about how much I ate. Let me brief you some.
I think I...
bit 2 mouthful of Lambs (bites only)
tasted a bit of the mango, avocado and olive(accidentally, thought it was grapes) from the salad
ate 2 pieces of Poh Piah
munched a few pieces of sausages (easiest to eat)
drank a bit of corn soup and consumed 2 pieces of corns
was fed some crab meat and balitung's by the boyfriend (heh tq)
ate 2 slices of butter cake
dipped some marshmallows and grapes into the chocolate fountain
had a cup of coconut brown sugar sago
crunched a few of my cookies
AND that's all.

It seems I'd consumed a lot yet a little right from the amount of delicacies we had.
At least it did filled up my stomach, so yeah
It's good DINNER!

After the food presentation, it's time to FEAST!
Mostly all pictures of the relatives are eating, chatting, eating and chatting again
while me distracting them for a shot of picture. Haha

Finally, GOTCHA!!
So hard to snap his solo picture (referring to my nephew on top)
somemore got flashlight and at grand entrance lo.
See, my skills not bad leh

There there, do you see the Mango Avocado Salad on the table?

Look Look, my cookies were so tasty until Vanessa Khoo gotta hug the whole cookie jar all for herself. Hahah
Want buy from me not? I sell half a jar about 50 MYR only la
(cheap cheap) somemore can adjust the sweetness to your liking ;)

Yupp, finishing the feasting soon.
Everyone's leaving the tables and chairs for some other activities like...

Family photo session time!
Time to shout (called out loudly) for their names to present their smiles in front of the camera and smartphones. 
By the way, did I not mention that the theme for our Christmas Gathers were

So this process was like this,
whose NEXT
shout NAMES
wear HATS
say CHRISTMAS (ok this one I add myself one)
and yeah
we SNAP!

hahah this one a little out of topic
cause I turn to my back and saw a beautiful MOON shines brightly so yeap SNAP!

Okay, the cute ones coming...
Wait for it, wait for it and SCROLL

The SMILES one

the PEACE sign

and the attempted CRAZY ones

Yepp, we had GAMES too.
It's time to warm up the bodies, don't keep eat without releasing some energies (fats).
eh, seriously can reduce fats eh lo.
Cause by playing games, you laugh, you think (or maybe some of you don't but I guess everyone does. Humans are always thinking cause everything will slips through our brain first) and of course you move.

So let's MOVE & GROOVE 

This is our FIRST warm up game called
"The Wolf and the Sheep"
(all the names for these games are created by my own words cause I don't exactly remember the real names for it)

As this is a warm up game, no prizes given.

SECOND game was called
"Fill up the Cup with Strands of Straws"

There was actually another last game called
"Whistle to lead the Blind"
but I was also playing so no pictures available for this game

Both the second and last games had prizes to giveaway
be it the Winner, 1st Runner-Up, 2nd Runner-Up or the Consolation Prize, everyone had gifts as long as you PLAY!

TIRED? SWEATING? (Maybe a little sticky right?)
Means you burn your fats liao lo

Anyways, I would like to thank Pek Pek and Ahmmm for buying the gifts and wrapping them.

*The gifts were bought using the money sponsored*

As I'd said, Players get Gifts!
So here is the Gift-ing time. Heh

Besides, don't you forget, it's CHRISTMAS Gathers, and what do we have for Christmas?
and before the night ends, we end it with a 'Tangible Memory' to bring home
What's that? Present lo aiyaya, Hohohoho

May I present you the Winner of SECOND game!
(Last game no picture again)

The 1st Runner-Up
*I was told that this group cheated ha, Hehe*

The 2nd Runner-Up

The Consolation Prizes goes to both group (points to top and bottom)
*Better Luck next time*

Now Now Now
Exchanging "Tangible Memory"
hahah actually our style of exchanging is by marking all the presents with numbers '1 until about 40' (depends on the crowd) and then we randomly pick out numbers and see which one you got!
It's that simple.

Putting everyone on-hold, not letting anyone (or any kids) open their presents yet
until it's all distributed then we gave the GREEN light!
GO open your PRESENTS. Hahah

Also, I would like to thank Ahmmm (again) for always giving more.
At the end of most of our family gatherings, she would always prepared everyone a small gifts (more like a souvenirs) to take home.
It's very lovely of her okay (Like a role-model of a sweet MOM to many big happy babies)
THANK YOU Ahmmm aka Ms. Jenny Kang
(She's actually the sweet lady wearing in 'wasabi' green shirt distributing the presents)

Before we officially say our Good-Byes, one more last BIG shot of our BIG HAPPY FAMILY
(not all attended though, so it's not the entire picture of a happy family yet) 

and we wish each other a MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Shall see you all again next year
Thanks for reading and hope you've enjoy it.
Till then~


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